pilot area definition
pilot area means any of the following Jobcentre Plus districts—
pilot area means the areas of the state that the division determines to operate the pilot program in, under Subsection (3), which may include:
pilot area means the following groups of counties:
More Definitions of pilot area
pilot area means the areas selected in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Operational Manual for the execution of Part B of the Project;
pilot area means the area specified in a pilot scheme agreement as the area in which piloted services are to be provided;
pilot area means any of the areas listed in the Pilot Areas Letter, and any other pilot area as the Association shall agree;
pilot area means the geographic area in which a vendor’s scooters may be rented from and end a trip, subject to the terms of the pilot program, and all generally applicable parking rules and restrictions. The pilot area for the Second Phase Scooter Sharing Pilot program shall be the portion of the City shown in the attached Second Phase Scooter Sharing Pilot Area Map.
pilot area means any of the areas shown coloured yellow on the maps marked A and B contained in the document entitled “Countryside Stewardship Scheme—Arable Farmland Pilot Areas”, dated 21st May 1998, signed by the Parliamentary Secretary on behalf of the Minister and deposited at the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HX, together with any other land which—
pilot area means any of the areas listed in the Pilot Areas Letter, and any other pilot area as the Association shall agree, provided that the necessary environmental and social screenings for the additional area have been carried out and are satisfactory to the Association.
pilot area means any of the Tabasco Pilot Area, the Tamaulipas Pilot Area, the Sian Ka’an Pilot Area or the Veracruz Pilot Area and any additional or substitute area, selected in prior agreement with the Bank and after carrying out the relevant assessments required by Bank policy, and based on a detailed implementation plan satisfactory to the Bank, and “Pilot Areas” means all said Pilot Areas.