Planning project definition

Planning project means specific activities related to the collection, assessment and dissemination of information on river- ine ecosystems, to assist in developing organizations to help man- age rivers, to assist the public in understanding riverine ecosys- tems and to create management plans for the long term protection and improvement of riverine ecosystems.
Planning project means a project that results in one or more of the following: A study, a plan, construction plans and speci- fications, and permits to increase the availability of outdoor recrea- tional resources.
Planning project means a specific lake data acquisition, assessment, or evaluation activity to provide information on the existing or expected future quality of public inland lakes and their ecosystems or activities that may affect the quality of public inland lake ecosystems. It may also include activities related to the collection and dissemination of educational information for the purpose of promoting an understanding of lakes, lake ecosys- tems and their uses.

Examples of Planning project in a sentence

  • Planning project applications that receive second-tier analysis will be reviewed for Project Readiness and assigned two evaluation ratings: Technical Capacity Assessment and Financial Completeness Assessment.

  • Only one CoC Planning project application can be submitted per CoC.

  • The grant application is composed of a Cover Sheet, Executive Summary, Application Question Responses, Work Plan, Budget, Project Area Map, and Resolution from Governing Body, and a Payee Data Record.Applicants applying for the Priority/Strategic Planning project type must also submit Collaboration and Support Letters.

  • The ED 1 Ministerial Approval Process provides ED 1 projects with project review streamlining enhancements, shortened review periods at all stages of the City Planning project review process, and reduced filing fees.

  • This documentation will include the Feasibility Study Report, Functional Requirements Document, Capacity Study, Interim Operations Plan, General System Design, Alternatives Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Implementation Advance Planning Document (IAPD), and Implementation Request for Proposals.By its nature, the PPS CCWIS Planning project, by itself, will have no immediate or independent payback.

More Definitions of Planning project

Planning project means a project that results in one or more of the following: A study, a plan, construction plans and specifications, and permits to increase the avail- ability of outdoor recreational resources.
Planning project. – means a project proposing to complete a study or plan for an eligible natural, cultural, or historical resource.
Planning project means a project that results in a study, as- sessment, project design, or inventory.
Planning project means the process through which a
Planning project means project-specific environmental, capital facilities, land use, permitting, feasibility, and marketing studies and plans; project design, site planning, and analysis; project debt and revenue impact analysis; and economic development industry cluster analysis. (6) "Project" means a project of a local government or a federally recognized Indian tribe for the planning, acquisition, construction, repair, reconstruction, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of a public facility. (7) "Public facilities" means ((a project of a local government or a federally recognized Indian tribe for the planning, acquisition, construction, repair, reconstruction, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of:)) bridges; roads; research, testing, training, and incubation facilities in areas designated as innovation partnership zones under RCW 43.330.270; buildings or structures; domestic and industrial water, earth stabilization, sanitary sewer, storm ((sewer)) water, railroad, electricity, broadband, telecommunications, transportation, natural gas, and port facilities((; all for the purpose of job creation, job retention, or job expansion)).
Planning project means a project that results in a study, assessment, project design, or inventory.
Planning project means an eligible activity that regulates or guides the development and use of geothermal resources.