Planning project definition
Examples of Planning project in a sentence
Planning project applications that receive second-tier analysis will be reviewed for Project Readiness and assigned two evaluation ratings: Technical Capacity Assessment and Financial Completeness Assessment.
Only one CoC Planning project application can be submitted per CoC.
The grant application is composed of a Cover Sheet, Executive Summary, Application Question Responses, Work Plan, Budget, Project Area Map, and Resolution from Governing Body, and a Payee Data Record.Applicants applying for the Priority/Strategic Planning project type must also submit Collaboration and Support Letters.
The ED 1 Ministerial Approval Process provides ED 1 projects with project review streamlining enhancements, shortened review periods at all stages of the City Planning project review process, and reduced filing fees.
This documentation will include the Feasibility Study Report, Functional Requirements Document, Capacity Study, Interim Operations Plan, General System Design, Alternatives Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Implementation Advance Planning Document (IAPD), and Implementation Request for Proposals.By its nature, the PPS CCWIS Planning project, by itself, will have no immediate or independent payback.