Examples of Pornographic material in a sentence
Pornographic material is defined for purposes of this Article as any written or pictorial matter with prurient appeal or any objects of instrument that are primarily concerned with lewd or prurient sexual activity.
Pornographic material – electronic and print material which, by their design, are salacious, lascivious, lecherous, lustful, or demeaning to humans in their portrayal of aberrant sexual behavior.
Pornographic material (that is, writing, pictures, films and video clips of a sexually explicit or arousing nature).
Pornographic material will be confiscated and the parents notified.
Examples* of prohibited items include students carrying at any time: • Knives or weapons (or any item that could reasonably be believed to be brought on site with the intent to threaten/harass or cause harm),• Alcohol,• Illegal drugs,• Any item we believe to have been stolen,• Tobacco, cigarette papers and any form of smoking paraphernalia including vapes• Fireworks, (including fun snaps), and• Pornographic material (this includes electronic images/videos/material and youth produced sexual images).