Examples of Positive Behavior Supports in a sentence
To learn more about our School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) and our Bullying Prevention Programs, please visit our SCHOOL webpage.
The Health and Human Services Commission (“HHSC”), an administrative agency within the executive branch of the state of Texas, and Positive Behavior Supports Corporation (PBS Corp) (“Grantee”), each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties,” enter into the following contract for Autism Grant Program Services (the “Contract”).
To learn more about our School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS) and our Bullying Prevention Programs, please visit our HCE webpage.
The R.O.A.R. program is our School-Wide Positive Behavior Supports designed to foster a community where each member feels valued, respected, connected, and safe.
The District will continue to assign an employee to track and assist with implementation of the District’s Positive Behavior Supports framework, including analyzing classroom, grade, and school-level discipline to ensure equal treatment of similarly situated students, developing plans to address any identified concerns, and coordinating professional development to support implementation of PBS.
Positive Behavior Supports are most effective when they are implemented across all environments, such as home, school or work, and in the community.
The Woodland Hills School District utilizes a wide system of supports at the building and District level to meet each student’s needs including: Student Assistance Programs, School Wide Positive Behavior Supports, Restorative Justice, Response to Instruction and Intervention, Peer Mediation/Mentoring, and Career and College Readiness Programs.
Within the state of Missouri, currently Missouri Southwest – Positive Behavior Supports (SW- PBS), almost 600 schools are involved (PBIS, 2013).
Session topics will include Curriculum, Assessment, Inclusion, Positive Behavior Supports and Diversity.
In combination with:The applicant must be able to thoroughly explain and demonstrate advanced expertise in at least one competency area and a general knowledge in the remaining competency as follows:• Positive Behavior Supports and Effective Environment• Psychotherapy• Psychopharmacology• Assessment of Medical Conditions• Assessment Ethical BehaviorMost disciplines, through their professional disciplinary association or governing body, have a Code of Ethics to which members are committed to follow.