Examples of Posted Notice in a sentence
The administrator will make an independent determination of eligibility for general assistance each time a person applies (22 M.R.S.A. § § 4308, 4309).Applications Accepted; Posted Notice.
Section 3 Posted Notice to Project Residents *If deductions are being made for child support, a copy of the court ordered withholding must be included.
ApplicableStep 6(A) (Mailed Notice): Applicable.Step 6(B) (Posted Notice): Applicable.Step 6(C) (Published Notice): Applicable excluding developments of Accessory Dwelling Units.Step 6(D) (Supplemental Notice): Applicable.Step 6(E) Applicable.
Unless otherwise expressly provided in state statutes or this Ordinance, Posted Notice shall be in place at least 15 calendar days before the public hearing, meeting, or date of action that is the subject of the notice.
When the provisions of this Ordinance state that "Posted Notice" should be provided, the official responsible for accepting the application shall post the notice on the subject property in a manner that makes the notice clearly visible to neighboring residents and passers-by from each public street bordering the subject property.