Preschool child with a disability definition
Examples of Preschool child with a disability in a sentence
This decision is based on whether the student has one of the following fourteen disabilities listed in the regulation: 1) Auditory impairment; 2) Autism; 3) Intellectual disability; 4) Communication impaired; 5) Emotionally disturbed1;6) Multiple disabilities; 7) Deaf/blindness; 8) Orthopedic impairment; 9) Other health impairment; 10) Preschool child with a disability; 11) Social maladjustment; 12) Specific learning disability; 13) Traumatic brain injury; 14) “Visual impairment”.
Speech - 3 X 30 mn./wk.PS292 Multiply Handicapped Place in 12:1:1 full day - OT - 2 X 30 mn./wk., OT consult - 5 hrs./yr., Speech - 5 X 30 mn./wk.PS383 Preschool child with a disability Provide Speech- 5 X45 mn./wk., SEIT - 5 X 45min./wk., OT - 3 X 45 mn./wk.PS379 Preschool child with a disability Provide Speech- 5 X 45 mn./wk.,SEIT - 5 X 45min./wk., OT - 2 X 45 min./wk.TA - 3 X 2hrs./wk.
PS367 Preschool child with a disability Provide SEIT - 2 X60 mn./wk., Speech- 3 X 45 mn./wk.
PS405 Preschool child with a disability Provide speech –2x45 mn./wk.PS406 Preschool child with a disability Provide speech –3 x45 mn./wk., SEIT – 3x45mn./wk.08719 Emotionally Disturbed Please in 8:1:2 –3 hrs./day.
PS541 Preschool child with a disability Provide speech – 2 X 60mn./wk., SEIT – 2 X 60mn./wk., audiological evaluation to be conducted.PS542 Preschool child with a disability Provide counseling – 3 X60 mn./wk.