Product Appendix definition
Examples of Product Appendix in a sentence
Fees are determined by counting the Units associated with the applicable Red Hat Product, as described in the Product Appendix and/or Order Form.
Subscription Services are provided for Software only when used for Supported Use Cases as described in the Exhibits to this Product Appendix.
Subscription Services may be used by third parties acting on your behalf, such as contractors or outsourcing vendors provided (i) you remain fully responsible for all of your obligations under the Agreement and this Product Appendix and for the activities and omissions of the third parties and (ii) in the case of a migration to a third party cloud or hosting provider, you are qualified for and comply with the terms of the Red Hat Cloud Access program as set forth in Section 3 below.
Any re-sampling was not applied on test records as these samples should remain unseen by the model before feeding for evaluation.Total number of balanced training records: 340000 Figure 3.5: Class Distribution in Balanced Training Set The distribution gap of ‘1’ and ‘0’ classes got reduced after applying re-sampling tech- nique.
Except with respect to Online Services covered by Product Appendix 4, you agree not to provide to Red Hat personal data subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) or a similar law requiring a contract governing the processing of personal data between you and Red Hat where Red Hat is acting as a processor (as such term is defined in the GDPR or the applicable law) on behalf of You as part of the Services.