Examples of Project Life in a sentence
Environmental monitoring is a continuous process throughout the Project life cycle starting from site selection to construction and maintenance state.
Capitalised equipment is stated at cost and is depreciated over its useful economic life as follows: Non-Computer Equipment – 10 yearsComputer Equipment – 3 yearsResearch equipment – Project life – 2 years generallyFurniture – 10 yearsResidences - Furniture and Fittings – 8 years Where equipment is acquired with the aid of specific grants it is capitalised and depreciated in accordance with the above policy.
The following additional requirements apply to the Pre-Construction Phase and to the overall Project life.
The ledgers for the Project will include totals for all transactions recorded during: 1) each accounting month; 2) the fiscal year of the Sponsor; and 3) the Project life to date.
The ledgers for the Project will include totals for all transactions recorded during: 1) each accounting month, (2) the fiscal year of the Sponsor, and (3) for the Project life to date.
It is the duty of the Development Consultant to work on behalf of the Client in the best interests of the quality of the Project and objectives of the Client to advise the Client about budget vulnerabilities throughout the Project life cycle, and to seek out reduction or controls through efficiencies, innovation and good project management oversight along with the Design Consultants, the Contractor and any Other Consultants.
Accordingly, the net profits available for appropriation to the shareholders has been significantly higher during the first half compared to the second half of the Project life.
The development of a pipeline of subprojects has to be an ongoing exercise over the Project life (and possibly beyond).
Within the Project area, exploration, appraisal, and production would all occur to maintain the target gas production rate throughout the Project life.
Unit 4Project – Meaning, definition and objectives – Characteristics – importance – Classification – Project life Cycle – project management, Stages of ProjectManagement.