Proposed Class Members definition
Examples of Proposed Class Members in a sentence
The Parties agree that neither they nor their counsel will solicit or otherwise encourage any of the Proposed Class Members to opt out or object to the Settlement or to appeal from the Superior Court’s Final Judgment approving the Settlement.
Proposed Class Members who fail to submit a valid and timely Exclusion Letter on or before the Notice Deadline shall be deemed Settlement Class Members and shall be bound by all terms of the Settlement and any Final Judgment entered in this Case if the Settlement is approved by the Superior Court, regardless of whether they have objected to the Settlement.
No. 537, Ex. 2 (Johnson Rpt.) at App’x H.1 (“Total Proposed Class Members inProfessor Elhauge’s Data: 1,754”); cf.
All Proposed Class Members, including Named Plaintiffs, will receive a monetary award based on a proportionate share of the Base Pay Disparity Regression Component using the results of a regression analysis conducted by Lead Class Counsel’s expert to determine the proportionate share.
The PCR is not aware of any separate proceedings making claims of the same or a similar nature on behalf of the Proposed Class Members.