Protected Marks definition
Examples of Protected Marks in a sentence
Establish and maintain a Domains Protected Marks List (DPML), a trademark protection service that allows rights holders to reserve registration of exact match trademark terms and terms that contain their trademarks across all gTLDs administered by Registry Operator under certain terms and conditions.
A Domain Protected Marks List (DPML) to insure greater trademark protection for trademark holders.
The Company will not take any action that impairs an owner’s intellectual property rights in its Protected Marks.
This license does not grant the Company any other intellectual property right, title, interest, or claim (express or implied, by estoppel, or otherwise) to the Protected Marks.
You will use the Protected Marks only to indicate that EBT benefits are issued at your location(s) and will not indicate that we, any state or its EBT service provider endorse your goods or services.