Record drawing definition

Record drawing or “as-builts” means a set of reproducible drawings which show significant changes in the work made during construction and which are usually based on drawings marked up in the field and other data furnished by the contractor.
Record drawing means construction drawings provided to illustrate the progress or completion of the installation of an OWTS, or components of the OWTS; typically based on field inspections by the designer or local public health agency.
Record drawing means an accurate graphic and written record of the location and features of the OSS that are needed to properly monitor, operate, and maintain that system.

Examples of Record drawing in a sentence

  • Once all required revisions have been made, submit one (1) complete set of A1 drawings for the Water Main Renewals, complete with the preliminary drawing prints, with comments one set of GIS Drawings, and the digital file (CAD and PDF) for each Record drawing to the Department’s Supervisor of Drafting.

  • Record drawing requirements shall conform to district standards as stated on the Construction services Website under Guidelines – Current Electronic policy/Records Requirements (zip file) at the time of contract execution.

  • Note: All changes to the physical detail of a range must be recorded in the `As Built’ or Record drawing.

  • Once all required revisions have been made, submit one (1) complete set of 11” x 17” (A3) drawings for the Sewer Renewals, complete with the preliminary drawing prints, with comments one set of GIS Drawings, and the digital file (CAD and PDF) for each Record drawing to the Department’s Supervisor of Drafting.

  • Once all required revisions have been made, submit one (1) complete set of full size (A1) drawing mylars for the Water Main Renewals complete with the preliminary drawing prints, with comments one set of GIS Drawings, and the digital file (CAD and PDF) for each Record drawing to the Department’s Supervisor of Drafting.

More Definitions of Record drawing

Record drawing means an accurate graphic and written record of the location and features that are needed to properly monitor, operate, and maintain the LOSS that bears the stamp and signature of a design engineer.
Record drawing means an accurate graphic and written re- cord of the location and features of the OSS that are needed to prop- erly monitor, operate, and maintain that system. Also known as an "as- built" drawing.
Record drawing means an accurate graphic and written record of the location and features of the OSS that are needed to properly monitor, operate, and maintain that OSS. The record drawing is often referred to as the “as-built.”
Record drawing means an accurate and complete record of the construction Work undertaken by the Contractor, and prepared by the reviewing professional after verifying in detail the actual conditions of the completed project as a result of adjustments and markups made to the construction set of documents. The drawings shall bear the seal of the responsible professional;
Record drawing means a final record drawing of the actual installation of the structures, materials and equipment as defined in the Engineering Development Manual.
Record drawing means a document created to accurately reflect as-constructed, as- built or as-fabricated conditions that has been sealed by a professional engineer after verifying that the document is accurate;
Record drawing means a scale drawing representing the site conditions after final site stabilization including but not limited to topography, buildings, infrastructure, impervious area, underground piping, and any other information that would be necessary to accurately describe the features pertinent to this Chapter.