Replacement services loss definition
Examples of Replacement services loss in a sentence
Replacement services loss is intended to replace something that was lost – that is, something the victim used to do and now cannot do because of a 9/11-related eligible physical injury or condition.
These losses shall be calculated on a case-by-case basis, using documenta- tion and other information submitted by the claimant.(c) Replacement services loss.
This loss shall be calculated on a case-by-case basis, using documentation and other information submitted by the Personal Representative.(c) Replacement services loss.
This lossequals the out-of-pocket medical expenses that were incurred as a result of the physical harm suffered by the victim (i.e., those medical expenses that were not paid for or reimbursed through health insurance or other programs for which the claimant was not charged).This loss shall be calculated on a case- by-case basis, using documentation and other information submitted by the Personal Representative.(c) Replacement services loss.
Replacement services loss awards are not precluded in other circumstances, but they are variable according to the individualized needs and circumstances of the claimant and subject to the discretion of the Special Master.