Examples of Revenue Expenditure in a sentence
Revenue Expenditure Funded from Capital under Statute Expenditure incurred during the year that may be capitalised under statutory provisions but that does not result in the creation of a non-current asset has been charged as expenditure to the relevant service in the Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement in the year.
An analysis of this Revenue Expenditure by Service Managed is provided in Appendix 1.
Calculation is as follows: (Police officer spend + Police officer overtime) / Gross Revenue Expenditure (GRE) = police officer spend as % of GRE.
Before April 2000 the basis of reporting revenue and expenditure was bank statement transactions, whereas the current reporting relies on cash book transactions as reported in the Statement of the National Revenue, Expenditure and Borrowing and is therefore not strictly comparable with data prior to April 2000.
As per guidelines, 90-95% of the procurement cost needs to be covered under the said Pact i.e. to say around Rs.750 crores for 2013-14 needs to be covered as Revenue Expenditure.
Detailed Statement of Revenue Expenditure by minor heads: This statement presents the details of revenue expenditure of the Government in detail.
Revenue Expenditure Funded from Capital under Statute (REFCUS) is expenditure of a capital nature that does not result in the creation of a non-current asset on the Balance Sheet.
However, Revenue Expenditure on projects, which have become unsuccessful are charged off as an expense in the year in which they are abandoned.
In accordance with the Accounting Standard 26 on Intangible Assets, the Management has recognized Revenue Expenditure, direct as well as allocated, on R & D projects for development of new products and processes as Intangible Assets, since it is of the opinion that future economic benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow to the enterprise and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
Revenue Expenditure Funded by Capital under Statute (REFCUS) is expenditure of a capital nature that does not result in the creation of a non-current asset on the Balance Sheet.