Examples of Sales factor in a sentence
Wages, salaries, commissions and other compensation of employees reported on Federal Form 1065 (If the amount reported in Column 2 does not agree with the total compensation reported for North Dakota unemployment insurance purposes, attach anexplanation.) 8 Sales factor 9.
For further information, refer to Illinois Income Tax Regulations,Sections 100.3100(e) and 100.3120(a)(3).Line 5c — Sales factor — In Column 1, write your total sales every- where.
IV related provisions (pending completion of hearing officers report; hearing conducted March 27, 2013 by Professor Richard Pomp)o Definition of "sales” - Compact Art.IV(1)(g)o Sales factor sourcing - Compact Art.IV.17o Factor weighting - Compact Art.IV.9o Definition of “business income” - Compact Art.
For further information, refer to Illinois Income Tax Regulations, Sections 100.3100(e) and 100.3120(a)(3).Line 5c — Sales factor — In Column 1, write your total sales every-where.
Lab AssistantsODS works in collaboration with the appropriate School Dean to employ lab assistants for individuals whose disability limits participation in labs for courses.
Enter factor here and on page 1, line 5 13 14 Sales factor weighting election—If a sales factor weighting election applies, skip lines 1-8 and complete lines 15 and 16.
IV related provisions (Hearing officer’s report issued October 25, 2013; pending executive committee consideration for bylaw 7 or other action) o Definition of “sales” - Compact Art.IV(1)(g)o Sales factor sourcing - Compact Art.IV.17o Factor weighting - Compact Art.IV.9o Definition of “business income” - Compact Art.
For further information, refer to Illinois Income Tax Regulations,Sections 100.3100(e) and 100.3120(a)(3).Line 5c — Sales factor —In Column 1, write your total sales every- where.
Enter factor here and on page 1, line 5 13 14 Sales factor weighting election—If a sales factor weighting election applies, complete lines 15 and 16; otherwise, leave these lines blank.
For more informa- tion, see Illinois Income Tax Regulations, Sections 100.3100(e) and 100.3120(a)(3).Line 5c — Sales factor — In Column 1, write your total sales every- where.