Examples of Scheme of Work in a sentence
There is a PSHE Scheme of Work that is part of the Religious Education and Wellbeing programme and a member of staff is designated as the head of PSHE.
The PSHE programme has a strong emphasis on helping students learn how to keep safe (see the PSHE Scheme of Work).
Further detail can be found within the PSHEE Policy and Scheme of Work and the Relationships and Sex Policy and details of the parental seminars can be found here.
This section also gives teachers advice on completing the Scheme of Work template for their own non-textbook-based lessons.
The assessment schedule is part of the College Scheme of Work and should be made available to learners during Induction in hard or soft copy.
The syllabus must comply with the conditions, features and deadlines set by the Teaching Coordination Boards of each school.All teachers must follow the school’s Scheme of Work and Long Term Planning to ensure that the curricular requirements for their Key Stage are fully met.
The Scheme of Work will closely match the unit content and may indicate how it is to be delivered (e.g. classroom teaching, distance learning, lectures, seminars, practical sessions, work experience etc).
You will receive a timetable and Scheme of Work at the beginning of each semester throughout your period of study that will provide you with all the information and structure you will need.
Unless the parties otherwise agree, the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and shall take place in Portland, Oregon, at a location designated by the arbitrator.
It was noted that the funding and the development of the new Scheme of Work to support secondary colleagues would be beneficial in improving RE delivered and it was again noted that the refreshed Scheme of Work included areas aimed in bolstering support to secondary school colleagues particularly for non-specialists in the subject.