Examples of Search in a sentence
Search results will include domain names matching the search criteria.
Job Search- The act of seeking or obtaining employment through a job search that is directly supervised and may include: case management services, career exploration, interview preparation, job application assistance, learning appropriate workplace expectations and behaviors in preparation for submitting job applications and interviewing, job leads, and direct job referrals.
Log into COMMBUYS, and use the Search box on the COMMBUYS header bar to locate items described on the MBPO or within the vendor catalog line items.
If the district is offering Supervised Job Search as an E&T activity component, the district must describe how the job search activity will be supervised and tracked, including the frequency of monitoring the participant’s job search efforts.
The Policies tab in the Advertisers dashboard currently includes: Paid Search, Coupons, Gift Cards, DSA, and Multi-touch Commissioning.