Search definition

Search. ’ means to review, manually or by auto- mated means, agency records for the purpose of locating those records which are responsive to a request.
Search means all time spent re- viewing, manually or by automated means, Commission records for the purpose of locating those records that are responsive to a FOIA request, in- cluding page-by-page or line-by-line identification of material within docu- ments. Search time does not include review of material in order to deter- mine whether the material is exempt from disclosure.
Search means the process of look- ing for and retrieving agency records or information responsive to a FOIA request. Searching includes page-by- page or line-by-line identification of information within agency records and reasonable efforts to locate and re- trieve information from agency records maintained in electronic form or for- mat, provided that such efforts do not significantly interfere with the oper- ation of the Department’s automated information systems.(Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a), 5 U.S.C.552(a)(4)(A), 20 U.S.C. 3474)§ 5.32 Assessment of fees.(a) Fees. In responding to FOIA re- quests, the Department charges the fol- lowing fees (in accordance with the Of- fice of Management and Budget’s ‘‘Uniform FOIA Fee Schedule and Guidelines,’’ 52 FR 10012 (March 27, 1987)), unless it has granted a waiver or reduction of fees under § 5.33 and sub- ject to the limitations set forth in paragraph (b) of this section:

Examples of Search in a sentence

  • Search results will include domain names matching the search criteria.

  • Job Search- The act of seeking or obtaining employment through a job search that is directly supervised and may include: case management services, career exploration, interview preparation, job application assistance, learning appropriate workplace expectations and behaviors in preparation for submitting job applications and interviewing, job leads, and direct job referrals.

  • Log into COMMBUYS, and use the Search box on the COMMBUYS header bar to locate items described on the MBPO or within the vendor catalog line items.

  • If the district is offering Supervised Job Search as an E&T activity component, the district must describe how the job search activity will be supervised and tracked, including the frequency of monitoring the participant’s job search efforts.

  • The Policies tab in the Advertisers dashboard currently includes: Paid Search, Coupons, Gift Cards, DSA, and Multi-touch Commissioning.

More Definitions of Search

Search means the process of look- ing for and retrieving records or infor- mation responsive to a request. It in- cludes page-by-page or line-by-line identification of information within records and also includes reasonable ef- forts to locate and retrieve information from records maintained in electronic form or format. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service § 1401.36
Search means the process of look- ing for and retrieving records respon- sive to a request. It includes page-by- page or line-by-line identification of information within records and also in- cludes reasonable efforts to locate and retrieve information from records maintained in electronic form or for- mat. SBA may charge search fees even if they fail to locate records or if § 102.6records located are determined to be exempt from disclosure. Search fees are $30 per hour.
Search means the process of look- ing for and retrieving records or infor- mation responsive to a request. It in- cludes page-by-page or line-by-line identification of information within records and also includes reasonable ef- forts to locate and retrieve information from records maintained in electronic form or format. Offices will ensure that searches are done in the most efficient and least expensive manner reasonably possible. For example, offices will not search line-by-line where duplicating an entire document would be quicker and less expensive.
Search means a Company Search or a Winding-Up Enquiry.
Search means the process of look- ing for and retrieving records or infor- mation responsive to a request. It in- cludes page-by-page or line-by-line identification of information within records and also includes reasonable ef- forts to locate and retrieve information from records maintained in electronic form or format. Components shall en- sure that searches are done in the most efficient and least expensive manner reasonably possible.
Search unless otherwise provided, means a search of a person’s body or property in the person’s possession or under his or her control, and includes a pat-down search of a person’s outer clothing as well as a consensual search, as defined in these regulations.
Search means a search conducted by an Examiner in relation to an application for a patent to discover such matters as may be prescribed;