Examples of Secondary in a sentence
Secondary counties are counties in which families may be served on an individual, as-needed basis.
Secondary counties are not included in outreach and recruitment efforts or other project initiatives.
All invoices should be submitted by January 31st for Primary Funding Period grantees, and July 31st for Secondary Funding Period grantees.
Six month period beginning July 1st to December 31st for the Primary Funding Period, which will include all Priority One awarded grantee; and March 1st to June 30th for Secondary Funding Period grantees.
Generated By: Xxxxx Xxx Cycle Name: Local Enforcement Agency Grants Application Due Date: 4/17/2018 Cycle Code: EA29 Secondary Due Date: 5/30/2018 Grant Funds Requested: $47,202.00 Request Advance Payment: No Matching Funds: $0.00 (if applicable) Federal Tax ID: 00-0000000 Jurisdiction: San Bernardino Xxxxx Xxxx Title: Program Coordinator X Public Health 000 X.