Examples of Sensitive lands in a sentence
Sensitive lands overlay maps may also be available on the web at the city’s official website.
Under the No Action Alternative, shoreline lands would be classified into High Density recreation lands (10,337.6 acres, representing 32% of total available area), Low Density recreation lands (11,965.8 acres-37%), Environmentally Sensitive lands (7,528.9 acres-23%), and Wildlife Management lands (2,258.2 acres-7%), while 336.5 acres have no current classification.
Sensitive lands include: wetlands, riparian corridors, steep slopes, land slide runway areas, avalanche paths, and others.• Establish preserved natural areas within the City and along the mountains.• Proactively reassess potential sensitive land impacts at least every 5 years.• Maintain existing landslide debris catchment basins.• Create and reinforce use of rigorous disclosure statements for all property and home sales so buyers are aware of potential dangers.
Sensitive lands identified on Map No. 4 are generally considered to be areas that are endangered or sensitive to disturbance.
Sensitive lands, historical sites, and endangered plants should be identified.
Sensitive lands (e.g., wetlands, floodplains, steep hillsides) and historic buildings or landmarks open to the public and designated by the Comprehensive Plan or by the U.S. Department of the Interior may be counted toward meeting the common open space requirements.
Sensitive lands are referred to as areas containing steep slopes of 25 percent grade and over, wetlands, sensitive biological resources, archaeology and floodplains.
Sensitive lands: The property is located within a geologic hazards area.
Each member of the Council recommended the following amendment in order of preference: Council Member Simonsen • McMansions• Sensitive lands and open space• Water rights for wetlands• Single-family dwellings• Pop-up shops Council Member Simonsen was concerned with allowing accessory dwelling units or changing setbacks.
Sensitive lands include natural floodways, lands with physical limitations such as steep slopes, important archaeological, historic, or cultural sites.