Software Updates means the Software releases, service packs, build updates or emergency fixes released from time to time in accordance with the Vocera’s update policy for such Software.
Software Update means a release of Software, in object code form, or firmware, which provides minor fixes, improvements and modifications to the Software or Equipment. Kodak software releases that are designated as updates will be identified A.B.x where the x designates the release as a Software Update.
Service User means your customer, (i.e., the purchaser of the Offering).
Service Software means any and all software applications and any third-party or other software, and all new versions, updates, revisions, improvements and modifications of the foregoing, that Contractor provides remote access to and use of as part of the Services.
Service Users means each person who is referred or presents to the Provider as part of the provision of the Services;
Service Specifications means the following documents, as applicable to the Services under Your order: (a) the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, the Program Documentation, the Oracle service descriptions, and the Oracle Corporate Security Practices; (b) Oracle’s privacy policies; and (c) any other Oracle documents that are referenced in or incorporated into Your order. The following do not apply to any non-Cloud Oracle service offerings acquired under Your order, such as professional services: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and Program Documentation. The following do not apply to any Oracle- provided Software: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies.
Customer Content means any content that is uploaded onto the Services by Customer or otherwise used on or in connection with the Software.
Service Drop means a cable that, by its design, capacity and relationship to other cables of the Company, can be reasonably considered to be for the sole purpose of connecting backbone of the Equipment to not more than one individual customer or building point of presence or property.
Self-service display means the open display or storage of Tobacco Products or Tobacco Paraphernalia in a manner that is physically accessible in any way to the general public without the assistance of the retailer or employee of the retailer and a direct person-to-person transfer between the purchaser and the retailer or employee of the retailer. A vending machine is a form of Self-Service Display.
Support Service means an activity, such as information technology, accounting, human resources, legal, and other support functions that are required to support the ongoing delivery of core services.
Service Levels means the service levels to be met by the Services as referenced in the Contract Letter and set out in the Specification Schedule.
Service Level means the standard set forth below by which IBM measures the level of service it provides in this SLA.
Software Upgrade means a release of Software, in object code form, or firmware, which adds new functionality and feature enhancements to the Software or Equipment. Kodak software releases that are designated as Software Upgrade will be identified A.B.x where the A &B designates the release as a Software Upgrade.
Software Error means a reproducible defect or combination thereof in the Software that results in a failure of the Software when used in accordance with the Documentation. Software Errors do not include those errors caused by (a) Licensee’s negligence, (b) any unauthorized modification or alteration Licensee makes to the Software, (c) data that does not conform to Licensor’s specified data format, (d) operator error, or (e) use not conforming to the Licensor’s supported technical environment specified in the Documentation.
New Service Customers means all customers that submit an Interconnection Request, a Completed Application, or an Upgrade Request that is pending in the New Services Queue.
Service/s has the meaning set forth in letter D. of the Preamble.
Service Specification means and includes detailed description, statements to technical data, performance characteristics, and standards (Indian as well as International) as applicable and as specified in the Contract, as well as those specifications relating to Industry standards and codes applicable to the performance of the work, work performance quality and specifications affecting the work or any additional specification required to be produced by the Bidder to meet the design criteria.
Service Schedule means the document entitled “Service Schedule” containing additional terms relating to a particular Service which schedule shall form part of this Agreement;
service supplier means any person that supplies a service;
Service Switching Point (SSP) is a telephone central office switch equipped with a Signaling System 7 (SS7) interface.
Network Upgrades means modifications or additions to transmission-related facilities that are integrated with and support the Transmission Provider’s overall Transmission System for the general benefit of all users of such Transmission System. Network Upgrades shall include:
Updates are changes that do not require a change to the established Centralized Contract terms and conditions. A request to add new products at the same or better price level is an example of an update. “Amendments” are any changes that are not specifically covered by the terms and conditions of the Centralized Contract, but inclusion is found to be in the best interest of the State. A request to change a contractual term and condition is an example of an amendment.
Service Switching Point (SSP) means the telephone Central Office Switch equipped with a Signaling System 7 (SS7) interface.
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) means the Governmentwide, electronic, web-based system for small business subcontracting program reporting. The eSRS is located at
Service dog means a dog that has been individually trained by an organization or person specializing in service dog training to perform a task to assist a person with a disability with a need related to their disability.
Custom Local Area Signaling Service Features (CLASS) means certain call-management service features that are currently available from SBC-13STATE’s local networks. These could include: Automatic Call Back; Automatic Recall; Call Trace; Caller Identification and related blocking features; Calling Number Delivery; Customer Originated Trace; Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting; Selective Call Forward; and Selective Call Rejection.