Adverse impact on visibility means visibility impairment which interferes with the management, protection, preservation or enjoyment of the visi- tor’s visual experience of the Federal Class I area. This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the geographic extent, in- tensity, duration, frequency and time of visibility impairment, and how these factors correlate with (1) times of vis- itor use of the Federal Class I area, and(2) the frequency and timing of natural conditions that reduce visibility.
Adverse impact means any deleterious effect on waters or wetlands, including their quality, quantity, surface area, species composition, aesthetics or usefulness for human or natural uses which are or may potentially be harmful or injurious to human health, welfare, safety or property, to biological productivity, diversity, or stability or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment of life or property, including outdoor recreation.
Adverse system impact means a negative effect that compromises the safety or reliability of the electric distribution system or materially affects the quality of electric service provided by the electric distribution company (EDC) to other customers.
Severe or "extraordinary" condition is defined as serious or extreme and/or life threatening.
Erosion impact area means an area of land not associated with current land-disturbing activity but subject to persistent soil erosion resulting in the delivery of sediment onto neighboring properties or into state waters. This definition shall not apply to any lot or parcel of land of 10,000 square feet or less used for residential purposes or to shorelines where the erosion results from wave action or other coastal processes.
Impact means any effect caused by a proposed activity on the environment including human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interaction among these factors; it also includes effects on cultural heritage or socio-economic conditions resulting from alterations to those factors;
Serious Medical Condition means, for the purpose of interpreting Overseas Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation cover, a condition which in the opinion of the Company or its authorised representatives constitutes a serious or life threatening medical emergency requiring immediate evacuation to obtain urgent remedial treatment in order to avoid death or serious impairment to an Insured Person’s immediate or long-term health prospects. The seriousness of the medical condition will be judged within the context of the Insured Person’s geographical location and the local availability of appropriate medical care or facilities.
Severe food allergy means a dangerous or life-threatening reac- tion of the human body to a food-borne allergen introduced by in- halation, ingestion, or skin contact that requires immediate medical attention.
Erosion means the detachment and movement of soil or rock fragments by water, wind, ice, or gravity.
No impact means that the change made to the construction process will not affect the agreed design criteria, specification or performance in a way that has a negative effect.
Medical condition means either of the following:
Disproportionately Impacted Area means a census tract or
Serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves:
Cognitive Impairment means a deficiency in a person’s short-term or long-term memory; orientation as to person, place, and time; deductive or abstract reasoning; or judgment as it relates to safety awareness.
Speech or language impairment means a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance.
Serious Adverse Event means any adverse event that led to any of the following:
Orthopedic impairment means a severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a child's educational performance. The term includes impairments caused by a congenital anomaly, impairments caused by disease (e.g., poliomyelitis, bone tuberculosis), and impairments from other causes (e.g., cerebral palsy, amputations, and fractures or burns that cause contractures).
Abnormal Condition means any condition on the Interconnection Facilities which, determined in accordance with Good Utility Practice, is: (i) outside normal operating parameters such that facilities are operating outside their normal ratings or that reasonable operating limits have been exceeded; and (ii) could reasonably be expected to materially and adversely affect the safe and reliable operation of the Interconnection Facilities; but which, in any case, could reasonably be expected to result in an Emergency Condition. Any condition or situation that results from lack of sufficient generating capacity to meet load requirements or that results solely from economic conditions shall not, standing alone, constitute an Abnormal Condition.
System Impact Study means an assessment by the Transmission Provider of (i) the adequacy of the Transmission System to accommodate a Completed Application, an Interconnection Request or an Upgrade Request, (ii) whether any additional costs may be incurred in order to provide such transmission service or to accommodate an Interconnection Request, and (iii) with respect to an Interconnection Request, an estimated date that an Interconnection Customer’s Customer Facility can be interconnected with the Transmission System and an estimate of the Interconnection Customer’s cost responsibility for the interconnection; and (iv) with respect to an Upgrade Request, the estimated cost of the requested system upgrades or expansion, or of the cost of the system upgrades or expansion, necessary to provide the requested incremental rights. “System Protection Facilities” shall refer to the equipment required to protect (i) the Transmission System, other delivery systems and/or other generating systems connected to the Transmission System from faults or other electrical disturbance occurring at or on the Customer Facility, and (ii) the Customer Facility from faults or other electrical system disturbance occurring on the Transmission System or on other delivery systems and/or other generating systems to which the Transmission System is directly or indirectly connected. System Protection Facilities shall include such protective and regulating devices as are identified in the Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards or that are required by Applicable Laws and Regulations or other Applicable Standards, or as are otherwise necessary to protect personnel and equipment and to minimize deleterious effects to the Transmission System arising from the Customer Facility.
Non-impaired Wire Center means a Wire Center that meets the loop thresholds identified in 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(a)(4)(i) for DS1 Loops and 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(a)(5)(i) for DS3 Loops. Non- impaired Wire Centers also include Tier 1 and Tier 2 Wire Centers as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(e)(3) and subject to the limitations of 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(e)(2)(ii)(A) for DS1 Dedicated Transport and 47 C.F.R. § 51.319(e)(2)(iii)(A) for DS3 Dedicated Transport.
Attack directed against any civilian population means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;
Processes with Significant Environmental Aspects means the Equipment which, during regular operation or if not properly operated or maintained, may cause or are likely to cause an adverse effect.
sickle cell disease means a hemolytic disorder characterized by chronic anemia, painful events, and various complications due to associated tissue and organ damage; "hemolytic" refers to the destruction of the cell membrane of red blood cells resulting in the release of hemoglobin.
Acute toxicity means concurrent and delayed adverse effects that result from an acute exposure and occur within any short observation period, which begins when the exposure begins, may extend beyond the exposure period, and usually does not constitute a substantial portion of the life span of the organism.
Disease means an alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness or physical or mental disorder and certified by a Medical Practitioner.
Rubbing alcohol means any product containing isopropyl alcohol (also called isopropanol) or denatured ethanol and labeled for topical use, usually to decrease germs in minor cuts and scrapes, to relieve minor muscle aches, as a rubefacient, and for massage.