Significance definition

Significance. Medium for East African sub-species, Low for Southern Africa sub-species
Significance means the importance of a historical resource as defined by the Elk Grove Register of Historic Resources criteria adopted by this chapter, the California Register of Historical Resources, or the National Register of Historic Places.
Significance means that the evidence is likely to impact on the decision of the Panel. For example, a note from a friend or relative indicating that you said you were experiencing problems at the time of the assessment would not be significant.

Examples of Significance in a sentence

  • It is the proponent’s responsibility to comply with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 and ensure that no Aboriginal Sites of Significance are damaged through the clearing process.

  • It is the proponent's responsibility to comply with the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 and ensure that no Sites of Aboriginal Significance are damaged through the clearing process.

  • The following resources can assist you in your assessment of likely impacts: • Profiles of relevant species/communities (where available), that will assist in the identification of whether there is likely to be a significant impact on them if the proposal proceeds; • Significant Impact Guidelines 1.1 – Matters of National Environmental Significance; • Significant Impact Guideline 1.2 – Actions on, or impacting upon, Commonwealth land and Actions by Commonwealth Agencies.

  • Section 5 – Conclusion on the likelihood of significant impacts A checkbox tick identifies each of the matters of National Environmental Significance you identified in section 2 of this application as likely to be a significant impact.

  • Significance analysis of microarrays applied to the ionizing radiation response.

More Definitions of Significance

Significance means the sum of the cultural and natural heritage values of a place (English Heritage 2008). Cultural heritage value has many aspects, including the potential of a place to yield primary information about past human activity (evidential value, which includes archaeological value), the ways in which it can provide direct links to past people, events and aspects of life (historical value), the ways in which people respond to a place through sensory and intellectual experience of it (aesthetic value, which includes architectural value) and the meanings of a place for the people who identify with it, and communities for whom it is part of their collective memory (communal value).
Significance means, with respect to a particular Act, that open toleration of such Act would be inconsistent with the Community of Trust.
Significance means historical importance judged according to criteria of National Register eligibility or other criteria specified in applicable law or rule.
Significance in terms of adjective word means;
Significance for NHPA purposes means a term attributable to properties listed in, or determined to be eligible for listing on, the National Register. Significance criteria for the purpose of this regulation shall be those provided in 36 CFR 60.4. According to these criteria for evaluation, "(t)he quality of significance in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association and; that,
Significance of the signal is p q. We can compute the likelihood of H i from the modified Xxxxx profile, modeling each pixel as a Gaussian: L (H i) = j2 pixels G(F (z j); FR(z j; di); σ j) ; (4.4) q 2 where σ j = F (z j)=SNR
Significance of an alignment result means the fraction of random runs that would give the same or a better result. Hence, significance can be estimated by evaluating the results of many runs with random