Significance. This proposal fits into Intel’s digital health vision where we can extend the PC penetration into the elders' households; therefore creating a new potential market for Intel-based PCs and communication products. In addition, the proposed home-care application is likely to generate high sensor data processing and communication workload, leading to demand for Intel-based PC and communication products upgrades. Home gateway PC runs
Significance. Does the project address an important problem or a critical barrier to progress in the field? Is there a strong scientific premise for the project? If the aims of the project are achieved, how will scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice be improved? How will successful completion of the aims change the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive this field? Does the proposed project have commercial potential to lead to a marketable product, process or service? (In the case of Phase II, Fast-Track, and Phase II Competing Renewals, does the Commercialization Plan demonstrate a high probability of commercialization?) In addition, for applications involving clinical trials Are the scientific rationale and need for a clinical trial to test the proposed hypothesis or intervention well supported by preliminary data, clinical and/or preclinical studies, or information in the literature or knowledge of biological mechanisms? For trials focusing on clinical or public health endpoints, is this clinical trial necessary for testing the safety, efficacy or effectiveness of an intervention that could lead to a change in clinical practice, community behaviors or health care policy? For trials focusing on mechanistic, behavioral, physiological, biochemical, or other biomedical endpoints, is this trial needed to advance scientific understanding? Is the proposed project likely to yield the answers needed to proceed to the next step in developing the intervention? For exploratory trials, biomarker studies, or clinical endpoint studies, evaluate whether the proposed project is likely to yield the answers needed to proceed to the next step in developing the intervention. Is it clear why the proposed exploratory trial is essential to inform the design and implementation of a subsequent efficacy trial, or enable a "go/no-go" decision regarding further clinical development of the intervention? Is there compelling justification for the development of the proposed intervention in terms of potential advances in clinical practice, public health, unmet medical need, and/or patient quality of life? How would the intervention, if it were ultimately successful, affect patients with the disease? How would the project advance the field regardless of its outcome? Investigator(s) Are the PD(s)/XX(s), collaborators, and other researchers well suited to the project? If Early Stage Investigators or those in the ear...
Significance. An informed judgement of what is important based on the available evidence. Significance is further defined in the Review Board’s “Reference Bulletin: Operational Interpretation of Key Terminology in Part Five of the xxxxxx.xx.xx. Those community agencies, services, and facilities and other social support measures necessary for adequate functioning of a community, and that contribute to the well-being of its residents.
Significance. It is expected to enhance research and innovation cooperation in different fields like Water, Energy, Healthcare, Agritech & Bioeconomy, Integrated Cyber-Physical Systems, Information and Communication Technologies, Nanotechnology, and clean technologies, etc. It will also strengthen the institutional linkages in research, exchange of researchers, students, startups and attract co-investment of resources for co-generation of knowledge.
Significance. The development of a vaccine to prevent AIDS is the best hope for controlling the epidemic that has led to infection of more than 30 million people with the HIV-1 virus worldwide. A vaccine approach that reduces viral load would certainly be beneficial, but one that elicits sterilizing immunity would be preferred. Conventional vaccine approaches based on delivery of HIV-1 envelope (Env) proteins or peptides derived from Env sequences have failed to generate broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) to the virus, which mutates rapidly to escape from the immune response. Recently, [*] have been discovered from subjects in the [*]. Several of these antibodies, including [*] determinants alone or in the context of the [*] protein. Importantly, these antibodies are even more potent (i.e., they neutralize HIV-1 at lower antibody concentrations) than other newly discovered [*]. Immunogens that elicit antibodies similar to the [*] could be ideal vaccine candidates.
Significance. The results of the study provide insight into the factors that reduce the effectiveness of the partnership between pedagogical universities and schools, helping policy makers and educational managers have appropriate measures to develop the professionalism of teachers in high schools and help pre-service students prepare for future careers.
Significance. “Explain the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed research addresses… Explain how the proposed project will improve scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice” in the field of HIV/AIDS.1 In this section, you may wish to: Critically review the relevant literature, including its strengths and weaknesses Establish the scientific premise of your proposal Describe the importance of the research, including its relevance to High and/or Medium Priority Topics for HIV/AIDS Research.2 This section is typically about half to three-quarters of a page in length.
Significance. 1.1. Poverty is a key contributing factor to family violence disparities
1). Studies that have examined the FSM for violence outcomes suggest that economic pressure leads to increased adult IPV (Xxx et al., 2002) and to child maltreatment via maternal psychological distress (Xxxxxx & Font, 2015). Empirical evidence finds that children whose mothers experience psychological and economic IPV are at increased risk of parenting practices that include physical punishments (Ahmadabadi et al., 2018; Xxxxxxx et al., 2012).
Significance. A more comprehensive understanding of the complex factors that influence individuals’ decision-making regarding participation in LF-MDA will be used to generate recommendations for improvements to the design and implementation of Haiti’s LF-MDA program. These improvements have the potential to increase coverage for the 2019 MDA. If coverage continues to increase and is held at a sufficiently high level for 4-6 years, LF will potentially be eliminated from metropolitan Port-au-Prince. In addition, the findings of this study have value beyond the benefits to Haiti’s LF-MDA program, providing guidance for MDA in other contexts and also for community engagement strategies for global health programs facing similar challenges.
Significance. A thorough understanding of a historic asset’s significance is the starting point for any sound management plan. Every HPA should include a statement that addresses the collective and individual significance of the assets covered by the agreement. The statement of significance should consider the assets together and identify any collective significance arising, for instance, from shared functions, construction techniques or designs. It should also give brief descriptions of the individual assets in the context of the whole. Focusing on the heritage values of the historic assets will help in the analysis of their significance: evidential value: the extent to which the physical fabric tells how and when an asset was made, how it was used and how it has changed over time historical value: a historic asset may illustrate a particular past way of life or be associated with a specific person or event and there may be physical evidence for these connections which it could be important to retain aesthetic value: the design, construction and craftsmanship of an asset, which can also include the setting and views to and from a historic asset communal value: an historic asset may have particular significance to people for its commemorative, symbolic or spiritual value, or for the part it has played in local cultural or public life. Cadw’s Conservation Principles for the sustainable management of the historic environment in Wales7 provides further information on heritage values. Works The parties to the HPA will have to agree the works that need to be undertaken during the lifetime of the agreement to achieve its objectives. A historic asset’s significance should be a central consideration when formulating any plans. The works should aim to realise the greatest benefit and cause the least harm, so the significance of the asset is sustained or enhanced. If the HPA includes planned works to a listed building that is not a private dwelling, consideration will also need to be given to access issues. The planned works will need to provide reasonable access and have the least detrimental impact on the significance of the listed building. Heritage Impact Assessment in Wales8 provides further information on access issues. An HPA cannot give consent for the demolition of a listed building, the demolition or destruction of a scheduled monument, or tipping on or the flooding of a scheduled monument.9 Every HPA must provide detailed specifications for the works that will ...