Site plan review definition

Site plan review means a development review permit described in Chapter 20.37 TCC.
Site plan review means a process established by local ordinance or by-law by which a local board reviews, and potentially imposes conditions on, the appearance and layout of a specific project prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Site plan review means a review by the City Plan Commission of the site plan application to be filed by the Developer for development of the 000 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Parcel pursuant to Section 64 of the Zoning Ordinance and Connecticut General Statutes § 8-2, and, if not included in such application, a review of the site plan application(s) for each of the Pedestrian Connections.

Examples of Site plan review in a sentence

  • Site plan review permits shall be effective upon issuance, unless within ten (10) calendar days of a decision by the Director, the decision is appealed as provided for in Section 15.050.010.

  • Site plan review permits shall not have any force or effect until the permittee acknowledges receipt thereof and has agreed in writing to each and every term and condition thereof.

  • Site plan review shall be conducted by the Planning Board pursuant to NJSA 40:55D-1 et.

  • Site plan review has continued with 100% site plan submittal and required attachments between VDOT, the County and the Town.

  • Site plan review procedures could stress standards for the extent of impervious surface and drainage.

  • Site plan review and approval shall be necessary for all new development and for any structure that is enlarged.

  • In addition, the Project will comply with the Site plan review and permitting requirements of the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, including the recommendations provided in a final, Site-specific geotechnical report subject to review and approval by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety.

  • Purpose: Site plan review is required in order to ensure that a project will be of high quality, have an attractive and functional site design, and that the overall building and site design is consistent with the purpose and character of the District within which it is located.Applicability: In any District, no permit shall be issued by the Administrative Officer until site plan approval is granted.

  • Site plan review is required because a condition exists on the subject property.

  • Check with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection for the latest version of the Shoreland Zoning Guidelines when drafting an ordinance that includes shoreland zoning provisions.Site Plan Review Site plan review is an important part of any land use ordinance that is based on the suggested approach for preparing a land use ordinance contained in Chapter 6 and the suggested format contained in Appendix A.

More Definitions of Site plan review

Site plan review means a development review permit described in Chapter 20.37 TCC. "Sludge" means any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial, or
Site plan review means a permit process that establishes criteria for the layout, scale, appearance, safety, and environmental impacts of a proposed development to ensure conformance to city standards and criteria.
Site plan review means a process exercised under the prior zoning code, which provided a review and approval procedure for all nonsingle-family residential construction or development proposals.
Site plan review means the process which is intended to provide for the examination of site and building development proposals in any of the following circumstances: new construction in a commercially or industrially-zoned area; or expansion or remodel of any building or other structure in commercially or industrially-zoned areas by more than twenty (20) percent of its existing floor area, or overall size in cases where floor area is not applicable.
Site plan review means the review and approval of a site plan by a designated municipal board or local official pursuant to section 9D of this chapter. Site plan review may be required independently for specified uses permitted by-right, or as a required component of a special permit, variance, or other discretionary zoning approval.

Related to Site plan review

  • Site Plan means a document or map that may be required by a county during a preliminary review preceding the issuance of a building permit to demonstrate that an owner's or developer's proposed development activity meets a land use requirement.

  • Numbering Plan Area (NPA) , also called area code, means the three (3)-digit code that occupies the A, B, C positions in the ten (10)-digit NANP format that applies throughout the NANP Area. NPAs are of the form NXX, where N represents the digits two (2) through nine (9) and X represents any digit zero (0) through nine (9). In the NANP, NPAs are classified as either geographic or non-geographic. Geographic NPAs are NPAs which correspond to discrete geographic areas within the NANP Area. Non-geographic NPAs are NPAs that do not correspond to discrete geographic areas, but which are instead assigned for services with attributes, functionalities, or requirements that transcend specific geographic boundaries. For example, NPAs in the N00 format, (e.g., 800, 900) are non- geographic.

  • Peer review means evaluation of professional services rendered by a professional practitioner.

  • Clinical review criteria means the written screening procedures, decision abstracts, clinical protocols, and practice guidelines used by a health carrier to determine the necessity and appropriateness of health care services.

  • Annual Work Plan and Budget means the work plan and budget approved by the Bank and adopted by the Borrower in accordance with the provisions of Section I.C of Schedule 2 of this Agreement, as said work plan and budget may be modified from time to time with the written agreement of the Bank.

  • Redevelopment Plan means the “Lincoln Center Redevelopment Plan” passed, adopted and approved by the City pursuant to the Resolution, and shall include any amendment of said Redevelopment Plan heretofore or hereafter made by the City pursuant to law.

  • Utilization review means the prospective (prior to), concurrent (during) or retrospective (after) review of any service to determine whether such service was properly authorized, constitutes a medically necessary service for purposes of benefit payment, and is a covered healthcare service under this plan. WE, US, and OUR means Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island. WE, US, or OUR will have the same meaning whether italicized or not. YOU and YOUR means the subscriber or member enrolled for coverage under this agreement. YOU and YOUR will have the same meaning whether italicized or not.

  • Decommissioning Plan means the document containing detailed information on the proposed decommissioning and covering the following: the selected decommissioning strategy; the schedule, type and sequence of decommissioning activities; the waste management strategy applied, including clearance; the proposed end state; the storage and disposal of the waste from decommissioning; the timeframe for decommissioning; the cost estimates for the completion of decommissioning; and the objectives, expected results, milestones, target dates, as well as the corresponding key performance indicators, including, as appropriate, earned value based indicators. The plan is prepared by the nuclear facility license holder and is reflected in the multiannual work programmes of the Programme;

  • Design Criteria means the design criteria set out in the Ministry’s publication “Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers and Forcemains for Alterations Authorized under Environmental Compliance Approval”, (as amended from time to time).

  • Annual Work Plan means each work plan approved by the Association under Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement for inclusion in the Project.