Slopes and Retaining Walls definition

Slopes and Retaining Walls means any and all slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and other structures, within or outside the Lot, the maintenance of which is the liability of the Owners under the provisions of the Government Grant or this Deed.
Slopes and Retaining Walls means such slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and/or other structures (if any) within or outside the Lot and the Development the maintenance of which is the liability of the Owners under the provisions of the Government Lease or this Deed, which are shown on the plans annexed hereto and coloured [Pink] and [Yellow];
Slopes and Retaining Walls. The slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and other structures within or outside the Land which are required to be maintained by the Owners under the Government Grant, if any.

Examples of Slopes and Retaining Walls in a sentence

  • Layman’s Guide to Landscape Treatment of Slopes and Retaining Walls.

  • Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment and Bio-engineering for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls.

  • Wong, H.N., Pang, L.S., Wong, A.C.W., Pun, W.K. & Yu, Y.F. (1999).Application of Prescriptive Measures to Slopes and Retaining Walls (GEO Report No. 56).

  • Montana Statute 45-8-344 states those 14 and over can possess a firearm.

  • Landslide Studies Phase 1 Re-Appraisal of Cut Slopes and Natural Slopes and Retaining Walls.

More Definitions of Slopes and Retaining Walls

Slopes and Retaining Walls means any and all slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and other structures (if any) within or outside the Land as required by the Government Grant to be maintained by the Owners;
Slopes and Retaining Walls means such slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and/or other structures (if any) within or outside the Lot and the Development the maintenance
Slopes and Retaining Walls. Such slopes (if any), slopes treatment works, retaining walls and other structures and drainage within or outside the Land or the Estate including but not limited to the Green Hatched Black Area and the Green Stippled Black Area, the maintenance of which is the liability of the Owners under the provisions of the Conditions or this Deed and the Slopes and Retaining Walls existing at the date of this Deed for identification purposes are shown on the Slope Plan of a scale 1:500 annexed hereto certified by the Authorised Person as to inclusion of all the Slopes and Retaining Walls on the Slope Plan and thereon coloured Green Hatched Black and Green Stippled Black.
Slopes and Retaining Walls. The slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and other structures within or outside the Land and which are shown and coloured Pink on the annexed Slopes and Retaining Walls Plan of a scale of not less than 1:500 certified by the Authorized Person as to the inclusion of all such slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls and other structures existing at the date of this Deed which are required to be maintained by the Owners under the Government Grant. “Special Fund” A fund to be established and held by the Manager as trustee for all Owners for payment of expenses of a capital nature or of a kind not expected to be incurred annually. Such expenses shall include, inter alia, expenses for the renovation, improvement and repair of the Common Areas, the purchase, setting up, replacement, improvement and addition of installations, systems, equipment, tools, plant and machineries for the Common Areas and the costs of the relevant investigation works and professional services. The three sub-categories of the Special Fund which are established pursuant to Clauses 10(a), (b) and (c) of Subsection D of Section VI shall be construed in their respective context accordingly throughout this Deed and the term “Special Fund” whenever appeared in this Deed, unless otherwise re-defined or except where the context otherwise requires or permits, shall mean collectively the aforesaid three sub-categories of the Special Fund as a whole.
Slopes and Retaining Walls. The slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls or other structures (if any) within or outside the Land and the Development which are required to be maintained and carried out by the Owners under the Conditions and in accordance with the “Geoguide 5-Guide to Slope Maintenance” issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (as amended or substituted from time to time) and the Slopes Maintenance Manual. “Slopes Maintenance Manual(s)” The maintenance manual(s) for the Slopes and Retaining Walls (if any) prepared in accordance with Geoguide 5 – Guide to Slope Maintenance issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (as amended or substituted from time to time).
Slopes and Retaining Walls. The slopes, slope treatment works, retaining walls or other structures within the Land and the Development (for identification purposes only shown coloured green on the Plan Showing Location of the Slope Structures, Retaining Wall and Related Structures attached hereto of a scale of not less than 1:500 certified by the Authorized Person as to the inclusion of all such Slopes and Retaining Walls) which are required to be maintained and carried out by the Owners under the Conditions and in accordance with the Geoguide 5 – Guide to Slope Maintenance issued by the Geotechnical Engineering Office (as amended or substituted from time to time) including such part or parts thereof beneath any of the Houses or beneath the Development.
Slopes and Retaining Walls as defined in Clause 39 of Subsection A of Section V.