Examples of Standby Charges in a sentence
Standby charges are delinquent four months after issuance and may be transferred to the County Tax Rolls for collection.eff.
Standby charges are collectable from the date the parcel became adjacent to, and had direct access to, a District water main and as determined by past agreements and inception dates of the standby charge.
Technician Standby charges are not applicable to the "hot standby" facility.
Standby charges are delinquent four months after issuance and may be transferred to the County Tax Rolls for collection.
Standby charges go towards those member agencies’ obligations to Metropolitan for the Readiness-to-Serve Charge.
Unpaid water or Standby charges will become a lien against the landowner’s property.
Energy rates for the interruptible option should be market-based.• Standby charges should not apply to customers with generating systems smaller than 1 MW.
Stand-by charges The current standby charge, adopted by CLAWA, is charged on the annual tax bill and is assessed by parcel or possessory interest and is calculated as $30 for the first acre and $5 for each additional acre.
The Utility’s existing rates were approved effective January 1, 2019 and were set in such a way to maintain the same percentage breakdown for revenue between residential (fixed and variable charge) and commercial (fixed and variable charge) as occurred in 2017, while making adjustments for revenues from Standby charges to remain unchanged from 2018.
Standby charges for other service categories (duplex, multi- units, commercial, etc.) shall be based on the applicable rates.