Examples of State custody in a sentence
Treasury also will not recognize an escheat judgment that purports to vest a State with title to a bond that the State does not possess, or a judg- ment that purports to grant the State custody of a bond, but not title.(b) Due process.
Subcontractor is not permitted, and shall ensure Provider does not encourage or suggest, in any way, that Covered Persons be placed in State custody in order to receive medical or specialized behavioral health services covered by LDH.
Only one motion to reopen may be filed, and it must be filed within 90 days, unless the alien establishes that he or she did not receive notice of the hearing date or was in Federal or State custody on the date directed to appear.
Parents pursuing behavioral health treatment with children temporarily in State custody with income up to 200 percent of the FPL.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participating Providers are not permitted to encourage or suggest, in any way, that children be placed into State custody in order to receive medical, behavioral or LTSS benefits covered by the State.
CISC Members enrolled with the CISC CONTRACTOR who leave State custody shall be: Disenrolled from the CISC program effective the last day of the month in which the CISC Member is no longer in State custody; Assigned to the CISC CONTRACTOR but not as a CISC Member effective on the first day of the month following the month in which the CISC Member is no longer in State custody; and Given the opportunity to change MCOs during the first ninety (90) Calendar Days following the effective date of enrollment.
Newborns of CISC Members who are not taken into State custody will be enrolled in the CISC CONTRACTOR but not as a CISC Member.
CISC Recipients who are mandatorily enrolled in the CISC CONTRACTOR shall remain enrolled in the CISC CONTRACTOR while in State custody and shall not be provided an option to select a different MCO.
On a case-by-case basis, TennCare may grant an exception to permit adults ages eighteen (18) to twenty (20) with I/DD not living at home with family, including young adults with I/DD transitioning out of State custody, to enroll in Group 8, if they meet eligibility criteria.
Treasury also will not recognize an escheat judgment that purports to vest a State with title to a bond that the State does not possess, or a judgment that purports to grant the State custody of a bond, but not title.(b) Due process.