Statutory jurisdiction definition

Statutory jurisdiction means the jurisdiction conferred on the STB by the Interstate Commerce Act, including jurisdiction over rail transportation or services that have been exempted from regulation.
Statutory jurisdiction means the jurisdiction conferred on the STB by the Interstate Commerce Act, includ- ing jurisdiction over rail transpor- tation or services that have been ex- empted from regulation.
Statutory jurisdiction means thejurisdiction conferred on the STB by the Interstate Commerce Act, includingjurisdiction over rail transportation or services that have been exempted from regulation.§ 1108.2 Statement of purpose, organization, and jurisdiction.(a) These provisions are intended to provide a means for the binding,voluntary arbitration of certain disputes subject to the statutory jurisdiction ofthe STB, either between two or more railroads subject to the jurisdiction of the STB or between any such railroad and any other person.(b) These procedures shall not beavailable to obtain the grant, denial, stay or revocation of any license,authorization (e.g., construction,abandonment, purchase, trackage rights, merger, pooling) or exemption, or toprescribe for the future any conduct, rules, or results of general, industry- wide applicability. Nor are theyavailable for arbitration that isconducted pursuant to labor protective conditions. These procedures areintended for the resolution of specific disputes between specific partiesinvolving the payment of money or involving rates or practices related torail transportation or service subject to the statutory jurisdiction of the STB.(c) The alternative means of disputeresolution provided for herein areestablished pursuant to the authority of the STB to take such actions as arenecessary and appropriate to fulfill itsjurisdictional mandate and not pursuant to the Administrative DisputeResolution Act, 5 U.S.C. 571, et seq .(d) On January 1, 1996, the STBreplaced the ICC. For purposes of these procedures, it is immaterial whether an exemption from regulation was granted by the ICC or the STB.46218 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 169 / Tuesday, September 2, 1997 / Rules and Regulations § 1108.3 Matters subject to arbitration.(a) Any controversy between two or more parties, subject to resolution bythe STB, and subject to the limitations in § 1108.2 hereof, may be processedpursuant to the provisions of this Part 1108, if all necessary parties voluntarily subject themselves to arbitration underthese provisions after notice as provided herein.(b) Arbitration under these provisionsis limited to matters over which the STB has statutory jurisdiction and mayinclude disputes arising in connection with jurisdictional transportation,including service being conductedpursuant to an exemption. An Arbitrator should decline to accept, or to render a decision regarding, any dispute thatexceeds the STB’s statutory jurisdiction. Such Arbitrator may reso...

Examples of Statutory jurisdiction in a sentence

  • Every suit shall be instituted in the Court of the lowest grade competent to try it, is the decisive rule (S.15 C.P.C) Statutory jurisdiction is one that is conferred on a particular Court by legislation.

  • Existence and origins of specific rules related to the competence and duties of the administrative courts or tribunals Statutory jurisdiction to review the functioning of public authorities is conferred on the Administrative Court by section 31 of the Supreme Court Act 1981.

  • Statutory jurisdiction for the performance of peace officer functions.

  • Statutory jurisdiction includes up to river to the Westham Bridge.1.5 Identification of the Roles and Responsibilities of Parties Associated with this Plan Within the UK there is an adopted structure and procedure for response to marine Oil Spills, which clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of industry, UK Government (including environmental agencies) and Maritime Authorities.

  • Statutory jurisdiction in favour of consumers shall main reserved (such as for example Art.

  • Statutory jurisdiction for performance of peace officer functions.

  • Background2.1 Statutory jurisdiction The proposal falls wholly within the coastal marine area, and as such falls under the jurisdiction of GWRC as the sole consent authority.

  • Concurrent Jurisdiction: Statutory jurisdiction for performance of peace officer functions.

  • Statutory jurisdiction applies for consumers who have no legal residence in Austria at the time when the contract is concluded.

  • One Commissioner did not consider that resource consent for the proposal should be granted.2. Background2.1 Statutory jurisdiction 9.

Related to Statutory jurisdiction

  • Property Jurisdiction means the jurisdiction in which the Land is located.

  • Base jurisdiction means the member jurisdiction, selected in accordance with the plan, to which an applicant applies for apportioned registration under the plan or the member jurisdiction that issues apportioned registration to a registrant under the plan.

  • Home jurisdiction means the jurisdiction that issued the driver's license of the traffic violator.

  • Uniform Commercial Code jurisdiction means any jurisdiction that has adopted all or substantially all of Article 9 as contained in the 2000 Official Text of the Uniform Commercial Code, as recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and the American Law Institute, together with any subsequent amendments or modifications to the Official Text.

  • Pertinent Jurisdiction in relation to a company, means:

  • Applicable Jurisdiction means the jurisdiction or jurisdictions under which the Borrower is organized, domiciled or resident or from which any of its business activities are conducted or in which any of its properties are located and which has jurisdiction over the subject matter being addressed.

  • Court of competent jurisdiction means a federal court, or a state court that entered an order in a child custody proceeding involving an Indian child, as long as the state court had proper subject matter jurisdiction in accordance with this chapter and the laws of that state, or a tribal court that had or has exclusive or concurrent jurisdiction pursuant to 25 U.S.C. Sec. 1911.

  • Jurisdiction means a province or territory of Canada except when used in the term foreign jurisdiction;

  • primary insolvency jurisdiction means the Contracting State in which the centre of the debtor’s main interests is situated, which for this purpose shall be deemed to be the place of the debtor’s statutory seat or, if there is none, the place where the debtor is incorporated or formed, unless proved otherwise;

  • Eligible Jurisdiction means Australia, Canada, Cayman Islands, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.

  • Local jurisdiction means the jurisdiction in which the Canadian securities regulatory authority is situate;

  • Non-Cooperative Jurisdiction means any foreign country that has been designated as noncooperative with international anti-money laundering principles or procedures by an intergovernmental group or organization, such as the Financial Task Force on Money Laundering, of which the U.S. is a member and with which designation the U.S. representative to the group or organization continues to concur;

  • Competent Court of Law means any court or tribunal or any similar judicial or quasi- judicial body in India that has jurisdiction to adjudicate upon issues relating to this Agreement;

  • Courts means the Ontario Court, the Quebec Court and the BC Court.

  • Original Jurisdiction means, in relation to an Obligor, the jurisdiction under whose laws that Obligor is incorporated as at the date of this Agreement.

  • Commonwealth Act means the Workplace Relations Act 1996 of the Commonwealth;

  • Partner Jurisdiction means a jurisdiction that has in effect an agreement with the United States to facilitate the implementation of FATCA. The IRS shall publish a list identifying all Partner Jurisdictions.

  • Laws means, collectively, all international, foreign, Federal, state and local statutes, treaties, rules, guidelines, regulations, ordinances, codes and administrative or judicial precedents or authorities, including the interpretation or administration thereof by any Governmental Authority charged with the enforcement, interpretation or administration thereof, and all applicable administrative orders, directed duties, requests, licenses, authorizations and permits of, and agreements with, any Governmental Authority, in each case whether or not having the force of law.

  • Commonwealth means the Commonwealth of Australia and includes the Government for the time being thereof;

  • Requirements of Laws means any foreign, federal, state and local laws, statutes, regulations, rules, codes or ordinances enacted, adopted, issued or promulgated by any Governmental Body (including, without limitation, those pertaining to electrical, building, zoning, environmental and occupational safety and health requirements) or common law.

  • Relevant Jurisdiction means, with respect to a party, the jurisdictions (a) in which the party is incorporated, organised, managed and controlled or considered to have its seat, (b) where an Office through which the party is acting for purposes of this Agreement is located, (c) in which the party executes this Agreement and (d) in relation to any payment, from or through which such payment is made.

  • Ontario Court means the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

  • Other jurisdiction means one of the other forty-nine states,

  • Supreme Court means the North Carolina Supreme Court.

  • Federal law means the Statute of Canada entitled “The Cannabis Act” and any other Canadian federal legislation regulating cannabis.

  • rules of court means Rules of Court made under this Act and includes forms;