Stormwater management facility means a control measure that controls stormwater runoff and changes the characteristics of that runoff including, but not limited to, the quantity and quality, the period of release or the velocity of flow.
Pollution control facilities means water and air pollution control equipment and solid waste disposal facilities or any of them.
Stormwater system means both the constructed and natural facilities, including pipes, culverts, watercourses and their associated floodplains, whether over or under public or privately owned land, used or required for the management, collection, conveyance, temporary storage, control, monitoring, treatment, use and disposal of stormwater;
Wastewater Facilities means the structures, equipment, and processes required to collect, carry away, and treat domestic and industrial wastes and dispose of the effluent.
Stormwater runoff means water flow on the surface of the ground or in storm sewers, resulting from precipitation.
Stormwater management system means any equipment, plants,
Wastewater System means a system of wastewater collection, treatment,
Interconnection Facilities means the Transmission Owner Interconnection Facilities and the Customer Interconnection Facilities.
Stormwater management BMP means an excavation or embankment and related areas designed to retain stormwater runoff. A stormwater management BMP may either be normally dry (that is, a detention basin or infiltration system), retain water in a permanent pool (a retention basin), or be planted mainly with wetland vegetation (most constructed stormwater wetlands).
Transportation Facilities means any physical facility that moves or assist in the movement of people or goods including facilities identified in OAR 660-012-0020 but excluding electricity, sewage, and water systems.
Stormwater means water resulting from precipitation (including rain and snow) that runs off the land’s surface, is transmitted to the subsurface, or is captured by separate storm sewers or other sewage or drainage facilities, or conveyed by snow removal equipment.
Air navigation facility means any facility, other than one owned and operated by the United States, used in, available for use in, or designed for use in aid of air navigation, including any structures, mechanisms, lights, beacons, markers, communicating systems, or other instrumentalities or devices used or useful as an aid, or constituting an advantage or convenience to the safe taking off, navigation, and landing of aircraft, or the safe and efficient operation or maintenance of an airport, and any combination of any or all of such facilities.
Generation Interconnection Facilities Study means a Facilities Study related to a Generation Interconnection Request.
Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.
Stormwater management means the programs to maintain quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.
Project Facilities means all the amenities and facilities situated on the Site, as described in Schedule-C;
Construction Plant means appliances, machinery with necessary supply to up keep and maintenance of the works or temporary works but dose not include materials or other things intended to form part of the permanent work.
Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.
Emission control system means the electronic engine management controller and any emission related component in the exhaust or evaporative system which supplies an input to or receives an output from this controller.
Air pollution control equipment means a mechanism, device, or contrivance used to control or prevent air pollution, that is not, aside from air pollution control laws and administrative regulations, vital to production of the normal product of the source or to its normal operation.
Railroad facilities means right of way and related
Electrical Interconnection Facilities means the equipment and facilities required to safely and reliably interconnect a Facility to the transmission system of the Transmitting Utility, including the collection system between each Bloom System, transformers and all switching, metering, communications, control and safety equipment, including the facilities described in any applicable Interconnection Agreement.
Generating Facilities means Interconnection Customer’s device for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities.
Facility Site means the site described in Schedule B. “FERC” means the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Customer Interconnection Facilities means all facilities and equipment owned and/or controlled, operated and maintained by Interconnection Customer on Interconnection Customer’s side of the Point of Interconnection identified in the appropriate appendices to the Interconnection Service Agreement and to the Interconnection Construction Service Agreement, including any modifications, additions, or upgrades made to such facilities and equipment, that are necessary to physically and electrically interconnect the Customer Facility with the Transmission System.
Project Water means water made available for delivery to the contractors by project conservation facilities and the transportation facilities included in the System.