Subscriber Content definition
Examples of Subscriber Content in a sentence
CoreMedia does not control and is not responsible for Subscriber Content as well as Third Party Services and Third Party Content.
CoreMedia will additionally protect the Subscriber Content as described in Exhibit 2 and 5, which define the administrative, physical, technical, and other safeguards applied to the Subscriber Content residing in the Services and describe other aspects of system management applicable to the Services.
Subscriber is responsible for any security vulnerabilities arising from the use of Subscriber Content, Third Party Content and / or Third Party Services including any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or other harmful programming routines contained in the Subscriber Content, Third Party Content and / or Third Party Services.
Inspectorio acknowledges and agrees that the Subscriber Content (including but not limited to all content relating to any Subscriber Customers and Subscriber Customer Partners) is the Confidential Information of Subscriber and is therefore subject to the restrictions on disclosure and use set forth in Section 5.2(a) above.
Further, Subscriber agrees and acknowledges that some or all of the Subscriber Content may be disclosed to Subscriber Customers and Subscriber Customer Partners, if applicable, under any ecosystem agreement pertaining to Subscriber or ecosystem to which Subscriber belongs.