Rental Fee A fee charged by the Contractor for the rental of a compactor or roll-off container.
Contract Fee means the lump sum rates as outlined in Schedule ‘B’ – Quote Form.
License Fee means the amount payable by the licensee to DMRC as per rates offered by the Selected Bidder for utilization of licensed space and accepted by DMRC to be paid by the Licensee along with other charges and any kind of Central or State Taxes, local levies, statutory dues, etc. that may be payable by the licensee as per prevalent law.
Development Fee means a fee for the packaging of a Property, including negotiating and approving plans, and undertaking to assist in obtaining zoning and necessary variances and necessary financing for the Property, either initially or at a later date.
Acre or “Acreage” means the land area of an Assessor’s Parcel as shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, or if the land area is not shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, the land area shown on the applicable Final Map or other parcel map recorded at the County Recorder’s Office.
Maintenance Fee means any fee, obligation, or
Licence Fee means the licence fee specified in Item 7 of Schedule 1.
Reservation Fee means the fee set forth in the applicable Program Guide, relating to the aggregate principal amount of the particular Mortgage Loans which the Participant has committed to originate and sell to the Servicer (which is not applicable to MCC stand-alone product) pursuant to a Reservation Request, payable contemporaneously with the submission of the corresponding application package, all in accordance with the procedures set forth in the applicable Program Guide.
Access Fee means a fee prescribed for the purposes of section 22(6) or 54(6), as the case may be;
Construction Fee means a fee or other remuneration for acting as general contractor and/or construction manager to construct improvements, supervise and coordinate projects or provide major repairs or rehabilitations on a Property.
Gross Rent means the rent for a set-aside unit, including any applicable utility allowances, in compliance with the rent limits applicable to the property for 2020. Gross rent does include optional fees included in the household’s lease, including but not limited to, washer/dryer, cable, parking, etc., as long as they are included in the lease or addendums to the lease. In addition, when a utility that is purchased from or through a local utility company by the Development, who in turn bills residents for actual consumption of the utility will also be eligible when the applicable utility allowance for the Development includes a deduction for the utility and the household’s lease specifies that the resident is responsible for the utility.
Square feet or "square foot" as used in this Lease includes the area contained within the leased premises together with a common area percentage factor of the leased premises proportionate to the total building area.
Installation Fee means charges payable by the Customer for the installation of the service as provided in the Order Form;
Permit Fee means a fee in an amount established by the SFMTA Board, required to be paid by a permit applicant for permit issuance or renewal, including any late payment penalties or interest for failure to pay in accordance with the requirements of this Article and any other regulations adopted by the SFMTA Board.
Concession Fee for a particular month shall mean the higher of the following:
Hire Fee the hire fee specified in Item 13.
Rentable Square Feet as used in the Lease will be deemed to include: (a) with respect to the Premises, the usable area of the Premises determined in accordance with the Method for Measuring Floor Area in Office Buildings, ANSI Z65.1-1996 (the "BOMA Standard"), plus a pro rata portion of the main lobby area on the ground floor and all elevator machine rooms, electrical and telephone equipment rooms and mail delivery facilities and other areas used by all tenants of the Building, if any, plus (i) for single tenancy floors, all the area covered by the elevator lobbies, corridors, special stairways, restrooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms and telephone closets on such floors, or (ii) for multiple tenancy floors, a pro-rata portion of all of the area covered by the elevator lobbies, corridors, special stairways, restrooms, mechanical rooms, electrical rooms and telephone closets on such floor; and (b) with respect to the Building, the total rentable area for all floors in the Building computed in accordance with the provisions of Subparagraph 1(a) above. In calculating the "Rentable Square Feet" of the Premises or the Building, the area contained within the exterior walls of the Building stairs, fire towers, vertical ducts, elevator shafts, flues, vents, stacks and major pipe shafts will be excluded.
Sewage sludge fee weight means the weight of sewage sludge, in dry U.S. tons, excluding admixtures such as liming materials or bulking agents. Annual sewage sludge fees, as per section 3745.11(Y) of the Ohio Revised Code, are based on the reported sludge fee weight for the most recent calendar year.
Inspection Fee means a fee payable to Lender or Loan Servicer for performing any inspection required by this Agreement in an amount not to exceed $500.00 per inspection.
Pupil fee means a fee, deposit or other charge imposed on pupils, or a pupil’s parents or guardians, in violation of Section 49011 of the Education Code and Section 5 of Article IX of the California Constitution, which require educational activities to be provided free of charge to all pupils without regard to their families’ ability or willingness to pay fees or request special waivers, as provided for in Hartzell v. Connell (1984) 35 Cal.3d 899. A pupil fee includes, but is not limited to, all of the following:
Hookup fee means a fee for the installation and inspection of any pipe, line,
Royalty Fee “Royalty Fee” means a royalty fee in the amount of $0.00 of Actual Production payable by BC Hydro to the Province for each year of the Term in accordance with Article 6 of the Master Agreement.
Licence Fees the fees to be paid by the Licensee to HKEX-IS pursuant to clause 5.2.
Usage Fee means the subscription fees to be paid by the Agency for ongoing access to Services.
Service Fee means a fee charged by us to you for the administration of your credit facility.
Maintenance Fees means the non-refundable fees payable annually by Licensee to OT for Support Services;