System Losses definition
Examples of System Losses in a sentence
For energy allocation, all Customer loads will be summed (after grossing up for System Losses as described in Section 8.5) and compared to the PJM metered zonal hourly energy.
The difference between the quantity of End User's gas at the Receipt Point(s), which may be allocated by the Interconnecting Party, less Fuel Gas, System Losses, and the quantity of gas delivered to the End User's Delivery Point(s).
Nominations are to be adjusted to include Fuel Gas and System Losses and shall be made on a Dekatherms basis.
UNIT IIRadar Equation : Prediction of Range Performance, Minimum Detectable Signal, Receiver Noise and SNR, Integration of Radar Pulses, Radar Cross Section of Targets (simple targets - sphere, cone-sphere), Transmitter Power, PRF and Range Ambiguities, System Losses (qualitative treatment).
The Marginal Losses Component of any Day-Ahead Ex Post LMP reflects the marginal cost of serving System Losses that arise from an incremental Energy demand at the Elemental Pricing Node supplied by a loss adjusted Energy injection at the Reference Bus in the SCED-Pricing algorithm.