Table 8 definition

Table 8. Means of Recidivists and Non-Recidivists for Eight Risk/Need Factors and the Results of the Discriminant Function Analvsis Group Recidivists (n = 76)Non-Recidivists (n = 174)Correlations of predictor variables with * f i < . 01 . * * fi < .001 Note. Predictor variables (OFF - Prior and current offences/dispositions; FAM Family Circumstances/Parenting; EDUC - Education/Employment; PEER - Peer Relations; SUB - Substance Abuse; LEIS - Leisure/Recreation; PERS - Personality/Behaviour; ATT - Attitudes/Orientations).3 Values in brackets refer to the maximum score observed in the group. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.Critical Evaluation
Table 8. Analysis 2a: metric selection results. Metric - stressor correlation was consistent (yes) if the sign of the correlation was as expected. Xxxxxxxx rank correlation between the EQR, calculated using the formula EQR1, and the stressor is reported. A metric was redundant (redundancy=yes) if correlated (r>0.
Table 8. Numerical Variable Ranges, Means, and Standard Deviations by

Examples of Table 8 in a sentence

  • Oligonucleotide sequences of the lytA and RNAse P primers and probes 55 Table 7.CDC Universal Master Mix kit setup 55 Table 8.

  • Species at Peavine Creek include caddis fly larvae, damsel fly larvae, and crane fly larvae (Appendix B, Table 8).

  • Based on the Adopt-A-Stream biological assessment of water quality index Peavine Creek scored a 5 which categorizes the creek as having poor water quality (Appendix B, Table 8).

More Definitions of Table 8

Table 8. The helper methods on the protocol state.
Table 8. Children observed Age category Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent Total 207 100 Table 9: single reasons for bringing child to health facility. n = 207 Reason for bringing child to health facility Count Column % Table 10: Combined reasons for bringing child to health facility. n = 207 Reason for bringing child to health facility Count Column % Health Worker Practice Screening Table 11: General Screening Action Yes No n General screening Screening % of cases Figure 10: General screening Table 12: Assessments Task Cases % n Assessments on child
Table 8 means Table 8 of the Transportation Element of the 2008? Comprehensive Plan, which is incorporated in this chapter by this reference.
Table 8. Elected Women members in Kerala and Uttar Pradesh at all three levels of governance in 199931 (Unit: 100,000) Gram Panchayat Panchayati Samiti Zilla Parishad State Women Total % Women Total % Women Total % KE 3883 10270 37.81 563 1547 36.39 104 300 34.67 UP 174410 682670 25.55 14002 58165 24.07 648 2551 25.4 Source: India Panchayat Raj Report, 2001, Vol. I- National Institute of Rural Development
Table 8Descriptive Statistics for Social Media Data Table 9: Descriptive Statistics for Advertising Data, Advertisement Characteristics, and Program Characteristics Advertising Data and Advertisement Characteristics Program Characteristics Table 10: Time Ad Instances Air Table 11: Model-free Evidence on the Relationship between Online Program Engagement and Online Shopping Activity
Table 8. HSCoE Metal Hydride Material Categories Tier 1 Developed Materials Tier 2 Developing Materials Down-selected Materials Metal Hydrides NaAlH 4 2LiNH 2 +MgH 2 Mg(NH 2 ) 2 +MgH 2 +2LiH TiCr(Mn)H 2 MgH 2 Mg 2 NiH 4 Material property data for the metal hydride materials of interest (particularly Tier 1 and Tier 2 materials) were collected from a variety of sources, which included MHCoE reports and investigator data, previous studies and the open literature. To perform preliminary engineering analyses several key material properties were identified as a high priority requirement. These key material properties included:
Table 8Security infrastructure in ML