Examples of High Priority in a sentence
High Priority grant opportunities will be applied for outside the eCVSP system.
Demonstrate that executive level staff have completed Indigenous Cultural Safety Training ● develop an equity plan that aligns with OH equity, inclusion, diversity and anti-racism framework, and existing provincial priorities, where applicable (i.e., French language health services plan; Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act; the provincial Black Health Plan; High Priority Community Strategy; etc.).
Alternative 3 - High Priority Areas OnlyBecause no treatments would occur in MA1, MA 2, MA 4, MA 5, MA 6, or MA 8 the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects would be similar to Alternative 1.
Briefly describe the mission or goal of the lead State commercial motor vehicle safety agency responsible for administering this Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP) throughout the State.NOTE: Please do not include a discussion of any safety activities conducted under any other FMCSA focus areas such as New Entrant and Border Enforcement or the High Priority grant program.
Include a description of the program structure (state and local agency participation, including responsibilities, a general overview of the number of FTE supporting the program and in what areas they contribute, etc.).NOTE: Please do not include activities/FTE primarily assigned to and funded under another focus area such as New Entrant and/or Border Enforcement or another FMCSA grant program such as High Priority.