Television rights definition
Examples of Television rights in a sentence
Television rights The television rights are the UWW's property and the UWW is the only body which may negotiate and sign contracts.
It is worth noting that all of the analyses presented in the study are based on the traffic generated by both the subject application and the adjacent PB&J property.
Promptly upon completion of each Pantelion Movie or acquisition of distribution rights to each Pantelion Movie, Licensor shall notify Licensee as to the anticipated availability date for Licensee’s Free Television rights (and any other Licensed Media licensed to Licensee in accordance with Section 3.5(d)), and any applicable Rights Restrictions thereon.
If necessary (or if reasonably requested by Licensee at any time), Licensor shall cause Pantelion to license all Free Television rights in and to Pantelion Movies directly to Licensee.
Licensee shall not be obligated to make any payments or incur any costs (other than the Royalty) for such Free Television rights.