Temporary Contract definition

Temporary Contract will mean a contract of employment which is in force for a specific duration or purpose and for a specific percentage of time which will begin and end in the same school year.
Temporary Contract means an employee with scheduled ongoing hours, but for a limited time period.
Temporary Contract shall refer to a particular type of employment agreement and not to a particular position. Temporary contracts may be issued after the beginning of a fiscal year or a school year, to complete a term or fiscal year, based on funding restriction, student enrollment projections, or during a regular employee's leave of absence. The position thus becoming vacated will be filled on a "temporary contract" basis, contingent upon the determination of the status of the original position. • When a permanent employee fills a temporary position, the temporary position becomes permanent and the vacated position then becomes temporary.

Examples of Temporary Contract in a sentence

  • All non-permanent certificated employees (Probationary, Interns, Provisional, and Temporary Contract) are to be evaluated annually.

  • The Union and the City agree that the Union is not the exclusive recognized bargaining representative for Exempt Limited Duration Employees and/or Temporary Contract Service Employees.

  • The Union and the City acknowledge that a Temporary Contract Service Employee may work for a maximum of nine hundred and sixty (960) hours per fiscal year.

  • The evaluating administrator shall be given written notice for each teacher of the Bargaining Unit, and a copy shall be given to each Gaining Tenure/Career teacher prior to March 29th of each year and Temporary Contract teacher prior to April 25th.

  • Teachers who are hired to replace a teacher who is on an approved leave of absence and who is expected to return to employment with the District, and teachers who are retired members of the Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma shall be offered a Temporary Contract only.

  • G.1.3.2 Temporary Contract in part-time or full-time positions shall be eligible to participate in the Semi-Private Hospital Plan, the Extended Health Care Plan, and the Dental Care Plan; the premium cost paid by the Employer for a part-time temporary contract shall be determined in accordance with Article G.1.

  • Temporary Contract - A contract with a definite starting and concluding date.

  • RECOMMENDATIONStaff recommends that the Civil Service Board accept the monthly report on temporary assignments for Temporary Contract Service Employees (TCSEs) and Exempt Limited Duration Employees (ELDEs).

  • Temporary Contract Service Employees may not be hired to fill vacant classified positions, and may not be used for ongoing or repetitive use.

  • D.4.4.1 Short-listing of qualified Temporary Contract, Long Term Casual and Short Term Casual Employees may be undertaken, provided that a minimum of two (2) applicants are interviewed.

More Definitions of Temporary Contract

Temporary Contract. Means Form 2A or any similar or subsequent form approved by the Minister of Education for the temporary employment of teachers.
Temporary Contract means a limited or fixed term employment contract for up to 12 months, with the option to extend for another fixed term of up to a further 12 months.
Temporary Contract means that contract between the District and a Fire District or other qualified service provider to provide Basic 911 Service within the District’s boundaries on a temporary basis. This Temporary Contract shall include the use of the District’s facilities to house ambulances and AEMTs.
Temporary Contract. Means Limited Term Teacher General Contract or any similar or subsequent form approved by the Minister of Education for the temporary employment of teachers.

Related to Temporary Contract

  • Temporary container means a receptacle that is usually

  • Temporary Closure means ceasing operation of all or part of a facility with the intent of reusing the facility or portion of the facility at a future date.

  • Temporary custody means legal custody of a child who is removed from the child's home, which custody may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the court or, if the legal custody is granted in an agreement for temporary custody, by the person who executed the agreement.

  • Temporary Cash Investment means any of the following:

  • Temporary certificate means a certificate issued pursuant to subdivision (d) of section 7 of this local law.

  • Temporary Work means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion and maintenance of the works.

  • Temporary job site means a location where any of the following occur:

  • Temporary Cash Investments means any of the following:

  • Temporary worker means a person who is furnished to you to substitute for a permanent "employee" on leave or to meet seasonal or short-term workload conditions.

  • Temporary housing means any tent, trailer, motor home, or other structure used for human shelter which is designed to be transportable and which is not attached to the ground, to another structure, or to any utilities system on the same premises for more than thirty (30) days.

  • Temporary Position means a position that the Employer has determined will be in excess of thirty (30) calendar days and not more than two (2) years, but which is not a Regular Position. Temporary Positions are intended for staffing of short term projects and interim staffing relief during periods such as the absences of employees or for unexpected and temporary changes in workload. A Temporary Position may be either a new position for the designated period or a temporary vacancy of a Regular Position or of a previously vacated Temporary Position.

  • Temporary Assignment means an assignment for a full-time or part-time employee that is generally expected to last no longer than six months. A temporary assignment may only be extended one time for a maximum of six additional months with the approval of Human Resources management.

  • Temporary Works means all temporary works of every kind required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the works.

  • Temporary Work Agency means as defined in Regulation 4 of the AWR being a person engaged in the economic activity, public or private, whether or not operating for profit, and whether or not carrying on such activity in conjunction with others, of:

  • Temporary use means a use or structure on improved or unimproved real estate which is of impermanent nature, and is used for less than ninety days in a calendar year.

  • Temporary Employee is one who is hired on a temporary basis for a full- time or part-time position: (i) for a specific job of more than three (3) months but less than twelve

  • temporary post means a post other than a permanent post.

  • temporary licence means a Licence granted under the Act valid for a single day or for such period as may be specified in the Licence not exceeding six months.

  • temporary building means a Building designed or constructed, erected or placed on land and which is demolished or removed from the lands within twelve months of Building Permit issuance;

  • Temporary service means an electrical service granted temporarily for such purposes as construction, real estate sales, trailers, et cetera;

  • Temporary license means a license issued on a short-term basis for a specified time pursuant to subrule 3.5(4).

  • temporary resident means a person who, in accordance with standards prescribed in rules adopted by the registrar, resides in this state on a temporary basis.

  • Temporary Employees means those employees hired to replace regular employees absent due to illness, accident, vacation, leave of absence, etc., or hired to perform work on projects or assignments of limited duration. The employment of temporary employees hired to perform work on projects or assignments of limited duration shall be limited to a period of ninety (90) days of work in any twelve (12) month period, commencing from the date of hire or commencement of employment in such period. The period of employment for temporary employees hired for all other purposes shall be limited to twelve (12) months. A project or assignment of limited duration shall not exceed eighteen (18) weeks’ duration in any twelve (12) month period. Any projects or assignments of limited duration in excess of that provided for herein will be posted.

  • Temporary sign means a sign not permanently fixed and not intended to remain fixed in one position;

  • Secondary containment or “secondarily contained” means a release prevention and release detection system for a tank or piping. This system has an inner and outer barrier with an interstitial space that is monitored for leaks. This term includes containment sumps when used for interstitial monitoring of piping.

  • Temporary means employment of an intermittent nature; for a limited, specified period; and undertaken during unpaid Maternity Leave or extended unpaid Maternity Leave.