Examples of Third Party Payment Services in a sentence
As a result, we were unable to determine whether any impairment should be recognised for the Third Party Payment Services CGU for the reporting period.
Having considered management’s business plans and the historical performance of the Third Party Payment Services CGU which has incurred continuous operating losses, we were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the appropriateness of the assumptions related to the growth in revenue and the resulting profits during the forecast period.
When concluding an agreement with the Operator, at the same time - under separate terms and conditions and with the Client fulfilling the conditions indicated in these terms - there is a conclusion of an agreement with a Third Party Payment Services Provider, which will provide the Client with the acquiring payment service IdoPay, which supports making payments in the Stores and is integrated with the Store service.
Management considered that the forecast revenue would be achieved because, among other factors, the Group expected there would be a synergetic effect upon its strategic development of its Third Party Payment Services segment and the Group’s expanding customer base upon completion of the conditional acquisition of Qima Holdings Ltd.
On 8 April 2017, Beijing Gaohuitong and Hangzhou Youzan entered into the Third Party Payment Services Framework Agreement pursuant to which Beijing Gaohuitong would provide a range of third party payment services to Hangzhou Youzan.
The Merchant shall ensure that any Transaction initiated through Third Party Payment Services is made in a real scenario.
An Independent Board Committee comprising all the independent non-executive Directors, will be established to advise the Independent Shareholders in relation to the Third Party Payment Services Framework Agreement and the Loan Agreement and the proposed annual caps thereto.
The Company will seek approval from the Independent Shareholders for the Third Party Payment Services Framework Agreement and the Loan Agreement and the proposed annual caps thereto at the SGM.
Date:12 March 2020 Parties: (i) Beijing Gaohuitong; and (ii) Hangzhou YouzanTerm:The 2020 Third Party Payment Services Framework Agreement is of a term commencing from the date on which the conditions precedent cont ained in such frame w ork agreement w ere fulfilled (i.e. 12 May 2020)) andending on 31 December 2022 (bothdays inclusive).
As set out in note 19 to the consolidated financial statements, goodwill with carr ying amount of HK$698,554,000 was allocated to the cash-generating unit (“CGU”) of Third Party Payment Services and the carrying amount of the CGU was assessed for impairment by management.