Research Analyst means any individual employed by Loomis Sayles who has been designated as a Research Analyst or Research Associate by Loomis Sayles. A person is considered a Research Analyst only as to those Covered Securities which he or she is assigned to cover and about which he or she issues research reports to other Investment Persons or otherwise makes recommendations to Investment Persons beyond publishing their research. As to other securities, he or she is simply an Access Person.
Comprehensive resource analysis means an analysis including,
Forensic analysis means the practice of gathering, retaining, and analyzing computer-related data for investigative purposes in a manner that maintains the integrity of the data.
risk analysis the analysis required under Rule 17f-7(a)(1)(i)(A).
Market Analysis means a technique used to identify market characteristics for specific goods or services “National Treasury” has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);
Licensed behavior analyst means a person who holds current certification or meets the standards to be certified as a board certified Behavior Analyst or a board certified Assistant Behavior Analyst issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc., or any successor in interest to that organization and whom the Board of Psychological Examiners licenses as a Behavior Analyst.
Quality Assurance Plan or “QAP” shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 11.2;
Credential analysis means a process or service by which a third party affirms the validity of an identity document described in section 25(6)(c) through a review of public and proprietary data sources conducted remotely.
Dataset means the data specified in Appendix 1 (Environmental Information) to Schedule 11.2 (Management Information) as the same may be amended from time to time by the Secretary of State (acting reasonably);
Brand Analytics Code means computer code provided by Brand from time to time for inclusion in produced content, i.e., tracking links.
Quality Assurance Program means the overall quality program and associated activities including the Department’s Quality Assurance, Design-Builder Quality Control, the Contract’s quality requirements for design and construction to assure compliance with Department Specifications and procedures.
ODMHSAS means the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
Quality Assurance means the quality assurance documentation, including but not limited to the quality records, method statements, description of the production and work procedures etc. as required under Purchaser’s, Customer’s and/or Supplier’s quality requirements.
Radiopharmaceutical quality assurance means, but is not limited to, the performance of appropriate chemical, biological, and physical tests on potential radiopharmaceuticals and the interpretation of the resulting data to determine their suitability for use in humans and animals, including internal test assessment, authentication of product history, and the keeping of proper records.
Tool means the tool developed in accordance with Section 35A-15-303.
SRS means the scheme referred to by the Ministry of Finance as the Supplementary Retirement Scheme or such other scheme as shall replace or supersede the Supplementary Retirement Scheme from time to time.
Practice of behavior analysis means the design, implementation, and evaluation of environmental
Renewable Resources means one of the following sources of energy: solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, biomass, hydroelectric facilities or digester gas.
Licensed assistant behavior analyst means a person who holds current certification or meets the standards to be certified as a board certified Assistant Behavior Analyst issued by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc., or any successor in interest to that organization, who is licensed as an Assistant Behavior Analyst by the Board of Psychological Examiners and who provides Behavioral Therapy under the supervision of a Licensed Behavior Analyst or psychologist.
Dell means Dell Inc., a Delaware corporation.
AES means the Advanced Encryption Standard, a specification of Federal Information Processing Standards Publications for the encryption of electronic data issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (xxxx://
Stability means structural stability.
Study means the investigation to be conducted in accordance with the Protocol.
Solutions means the Component Systems, Documentation, Custom Modifications, development work, CentralSquare Systems and any and all other information, data, documents, materials, works, and other content, devices, methods, processes, hardware, software, technologies and inventions, including any deliverables, technical or functional descriptions, requirements, plans, or reports, provided or used by CentralSquare or any Subcontractor in connection with Professional Services or Support Services rendered under this Agreement.
Total resource cost test or "TRC test" means a standard that is met if, for an investment in energy efficiency or demand-response measures, the benefit-cost ratio is greater than one. The benefit-cost ratio is the ratio of the net present value of the total benefits of the program to the net present value of the total costs as calculated over the lifetime of the measures. A total resource cost test compares the sum of avoided electric utility costs, representing the benefits that accrue to the system and the participant in the delivery of those efficiency measures, as well as other quantifiable societal benefits, including avoided natural gas utility costs, to the sum of all incremental costs of end-use measures that are implemented due to the program (including both utility and participant contributions), plus costs to administer, deliver, and evaluate each demand-side program, to quantify the net savings obtained by substituting the demand-side program for supply resources. In calculating avoided costs of power and energy that an electric utility would otherwise have had to acquire, reasonable estimates shall be included of financial costs likely to be imposed by future regulations and legislation on emissions of greenhouse gases.
Research means a methodical investigation into a subject.