Examples of Threat Analytics in a sentence
Licenses are required only for OSEClient OSEs (or OSEs running Server operating systems and used as OSEClient OSEs) that are on or accessed by end user devices authenticated by an Active Directory managed by Advanced Threat Analytics.
Cognitive Threat Analytics (“CTA”) has various features for monitoring the network.
Stealthwatch is, now, enabled to work with other Cisco technologies, such as Cognitive Threat Analytics (“CTA”) and Encrypted Traffic Analytics (“ETA”).
Cisco Stealthwatch incorporated Cognitive Threat Analytics in Stealthwatch in 2017.
Advanced Threat Analytics Platform (“ATAP”) Critical Start will provide Security Event Orchestration capabilities using ATAP, including our Automated Classification Engine.
SLA (TTD) Upon generation of an alert that creates an incident, the Critical Start CyberSOC will begin investigation with the given timeframe after delivery to the Advanced Threat Analytics Event Orchestration Platform.
When applied, an analyst in a Cyber Threat Analytics Center (CTAC) can instantly detect malicious activity (e.g. outbound connection attempts toward a suspicious destination, or malformed Domain Name System (DNS) queries) and respond to it.
This section is involved with Regulatory and Standards Compliance; Security Risk Management; Data Security, Digital Forensics; Incident Management; Threat Analytics; IT Security Systems development, design, operations and Maintenance; Network and Telecommunications Security; on an enterprise basis.
They claim that by using the Real Intelligence Threat Analytics (RITA) frame- work, they were able to identify behavioral patterns of DoH and successfully detect them.
SOS Threat Analytics displays all potential IOCs to the end user via the GUI and allows them to access detailed information about the potential threat.