Transcription of Credit. For dual credit courses, high school as well as college credit should be transcripted immediately upon a student's completion of the performance required in the course. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, §4.85 (h)]
Transcription of Credit. Transcription of dual credit courses on a college transcript should be handled exactly as it is for other college-level courses. Prior to the start of each academic year, college and Early College High School administration shall confirm that approved college courses are aligned to appropriate high school course and PEIMS code.
Transcription of Credit. High school and college credit will be added to the students’ transcripts immediately by the high school and college upon the student's completion of the dual credit course.
Transcription of Credit a. School as well as College credit should be transcribed immediately upon a student's completion of the performance required in the course.
Transcription of Credit. Transcription of dual credit courses on a college transcript should be handled exactly as it is for other college-level courses.
Transcription of Credit. A. For both technical and academic dual credit/concurrent credit courses, college credit will be transcripted immediately upon a student's completion of the performance required in the course.
Transcription of Credit. A college grade shall be transcribed upon completion of the semester for the courses in which they are officially enrolled and will adhere to the current grading policy. The High School Partner(s) agree to evaluate the learning objectives to be achieved by students completing the College’s dual enrollment college courses and to transcribe credit on the student’s high school transcript accordingly.
Transcription of Credit. The College will transcript college credit hours earned and provide the high school transcripts at the end of each fall and spring semester. The college will also provide an official copy of the dual credit student’s numerical grades. The high school transcription of grades for courses may differ from the College’s based on Texas Education Association policies, specifically those relating to courses required to have End of Course STAAR exams. Academic Reporting: Brazosport College will report progress of academic performance as pass/fail for students enrolled in an exclusive dual credit course. These reports will be issued twice a college semester to the registrar of the school district.
Transcription of Credit. For dual credit courses, both high school and college credit should be transcripted immediately upon a student's completion of the college course. Tuition and Fees • Xxxxxxx College offers a dual credit discount for tuition and fees for the fall and spring terms only. Navarro County residents receive a 50% discount and residents outside of Navarro County receive a 51% discount. For current tuition and fee schedules, please refer to the Xxxxxxx College Website at: xxxxx:// Funding The state funding for dual credit courses will be available to both public school districts and colleges based on the current funding rules of the State Board of Education.
Transcription of Credit. The College and the School District will transcript dual credit courses for both college credit and high school credit, respectively, immediately upon student completion of the performance required in each course and the professor entering grades by the submission deadline.