Transit country definition
Examples of Transit country in a sentence
However, if excise goods are moving under EMCS procedures to another tax warehouse, or a place of exit from the territory of the EU, via the territory of a Common Transit country, the goods must in addition be placed into the T2 Transit procedure that is started at the frontier of that country.
Whenever FTA Notn is claimed at the item level, Transit country is mandatory for these items.
However, if excise goods are moving under EMCS procedures to another tax warehouse or a place of exit from the territory of the EU via the territory of a Common Transit country, the goods must be placed into the T2 Transit procedure that is started at the frontier of that country.
Transit country: A country through which drugs are trafficked en route to a destination country.
The transit contract with Gazprom is due at 10.00 on January 1, 2020, which has stimulated a series of negotiations in a tripartite format, Export country (Russia) – Transit country (Ukraine) – Import countries (EU).
A pedestrian connection, via Low Church Wynd, will also be provided.
Transit country Customs authorities have therefore to contend with the problem of diversion of some of the goods in transit into the local market, hence the need to track and control transit goods.
For imports and exports the information to be transmitted concerns the following data: Description of the waste (Y-codes, codes from annex VIII or IX or article 1.1.b. wastes, description); Hazard characteristics of the waste (UN class, H code, description); Amount imported or exported; Country of destination and origin; Transit country (if applicable); Disposal operation (R and D-codes).Mrs.
Although listed again as a Major Illicit Drug Transit country for 2011, the Government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (GCOB), with its close proximity to the United States coastline, has beena steady ally against illegal narcotics trafficking.
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