travelling definition
travelling. (“teithio”) means a journey by a mode of transport or a journey on foot and includes—
travelling means all the time spent by a crew member transisting between the place of rest, and the place of reporting for duty;
travelling means travelling in any country other than the Republic of South Africa.
More Definitions of travelling
travelling means all time spent by the crew member transiting between the place of rest and the place of reporting for duty and does not count as duty time;
travelling means employed in the trade covered by an IBEW Collective Agreement outside the trade and geographical jurisdiction of Local Union 424 as defined by the I.B.E.W. International.
travelling means any person who has prepaid accommodation and r transportation with the Covered Person (maximum four persons, the Covered Person). VEHICLE SERVICES toward the cost of driving a Covered ed’ vehicle, r private or rental, to the province of residence or nearest appropriate rental agency when the Covered Person is unable to do so due to unexpect illness or physical injury and the travelling companion is unable to do so. certification is required, as well as receipts for costs incurred. If a Covered Persons/private vehicle is stolen or rendered inoperable due to an accident, Liberty will pay for the most economical airfare to return Covered Persons by the most direct route to the province of residence. Liberty Mutual must be provided with an official report of the loss or accident. HOSPITAL EXPENSES EXCLUSIONS Liberty Mutual will not pay benefits for expenses incurred: for any care, services or supplies which are not medically necessary, as determined by Liberty Mutual; for elective treatment or surgery; for accommodation or treatment received in a hospital other than a general active treatment hospital; outside of the province of residence, when the Covered Person could have been returned to the province of residence without endangering their life or health, even if the treatment available in the province of residence could be of lesser quality than the treatment available outside of the province of residence;
travelling means all time spent by a crew member transiting between the place of rest, and the place of reporting for duty.Travelling Time is defined as :— time from home to a designated reporting place and vice versa ;— time for local transfer from a place of rest to the commencement of duty and vice versa ;
travelling means going from one place to another on official University business and making use of a University owned vehicle, rental vehicle, air transport or any other form of transport approved by the University or a combination thereof;
travelling means travelling on the Insured's Business outside the Maltese Islands but
travelling means driving or riding in or boarding or alighting from a Vehicle.