Examples of Type of Security in a sentence
Indicate not applicable with "N/A" or "None." Held by:(check) Type of Security (Stock or Bond) Name of Issuing Company, Mutual Fund, Holding Company or Government AgencyPublic Officer:Spouse / Domestic Partner:Dependent Children: Percentage Ownership**Individuals who own more than 10% of the total stock of any company must disclose the percentage of ownership.
Indicate not applicable with "N/A" or "None." Held by:(check) Type of Security (Stock or Bond) Name of Issuing Company, Mutual Fund, Holding Company or Government Agency Percentage Ownership**Individuals who own more than 10% of the total stock of any company must disclose the percentage of ownership.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the BMV shall be able to authorize two or more Market Makers to render their services for the same Type of Security in those instances provided by the Bylaws (provision 2.014.00).
Indicate not applicable with "N/A" or "None." Held by:(check) Type of Security (Stock or Bond) Name of Issuing Company, Mutual Fund, Holding Company or Government AgencyPublic Officer:Spouse / Domestic Partner:Dependent Children: Percentage Ownership*Stock*Individuals who own more than 10% of the total stock of any company must disclose the percentage of ownership.
When submitting a request, the following information must be given: • Security Name and Ticker or Cusip • Amount to be traded • Brokerage name and Account Number • Transaction Type (Buy, Sell, Short) • Type of Security (Bond, Option, Common Stock) • Price A CCO must submit any of his/her proposed Personal Securities Transactions that require pre-clearance to the Chief Legal Officer.