Unit Administrator definition

Unit Administrator in this policy, means an individual with unit supervisory responsibilities. Unit administrators include, but are not limited to, directors, chairs, associate deans, and deans.
Unit Administrator in this policy, means the person responsible for the unit.
Unit Administrator in this policy, means the person responsible for a unit as defined in this policy.

Examples of Unit Administrator in a sentence

  • The student is required to coordinate each semester for which he/she is applying for the waiver with his/her Unit Administrator for application under the OKARNG Regulation 621-202 or the OKAGN Regulation 621-202 requirements.

  • In general, this work may include service on committees, participation in College governance, participation in divisional and program duties and events, and/or other activities in accordance with this Article unless alternative arrangements have been made with the Unit Administrator.

  • By signature below, all signatories to this Agreement certify that the individuals (Agency Representative, Agency Administrator, Unit Administrator) listed in this document are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this Agreement.

  • By signature below, all signatories to this agreement certify that the individuals (Agency Representative, Agency Administrator, Unit Administrator) listed in this document are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this Agreement.

  • Members may receive release time to administer alternate assessment tests if there is an identified need as determined by Unit Administrator.

More Definitions of Unit Administrator

Unit Administrator. The individual assigned administrative responsibilities for an established organizational unit, such as Forest Supervisor for the Forest Service, District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management, Agency Superintendent for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Park Superintendent for the National Park Service, and Refuge Manager (Project Leader) for Fish and Wildlife Service, Region Manager for State of Washington Department of Natural Resources, District Forester for State of Oregon Department of Forestry, and District Manager, Coos, Xxxxxxx, or Xxxxxx Range Protective Association. Wildfire: An unplanned, unwanted wildland fire, including unauthorized human-caused fires, escaped wildland fire use events, escaped prescribed fire projects, and all other wildland fires where the objective
Unit Administrator. The individual assigned administrative responsibilities for an established organizational unit, such as Forest Supervisor for the Forest Service, District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management, Agency Superintendent for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Park Superintendent for the National Park Service, and Project Leader for Fish and Wildlife Service, Unit Chief for California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). Wildfire: An unwanted fire burning uncontrolled on wildland. Wildland: Lands covered wholly or in part by timber, brush, grass, grain, or other flammable vegetation. Wildland Fire Protection: Those activities commonly referred to as detection, prevention, pre- suppression, suppression, and repair of suppression activity damage that cumulatively contribute to the management, control or elimination of wildfires.
Unit Administrator in this policy, means the head of a unit (e.g., chair, head, dean, director) who oversees reviews and evaluations.
Unit Administrator in this policy, means the person responsible for the unit and the personnel actions within the unit. A department chair is an example of a unit administrator.
Unit Administrator. Individual assigned administrative responsibility for an established organizational unit, e.g.: Forest Supervisor for the Forest Service District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management Agency Superintendent for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Park Superintendent for the National Park Service Refuge Manager (Project Leader) for Fish and Wildlife Service Region Manager for State of Washington Department of Natural Resources District Forester for State of Oregon Department of Forestry Meteorologist in Charge for the National Weather Service. The following standards are based on the minimum expected improvement over persistence forecast on an annual basis for zone averages or key stations within a fire weather zone based upon Xxxx Xxxxx’x forecast verification program as modified by Xxx Xxxxxx (Boise WFO) for AWIPS (FWXVER, Version 1.0): **Annual Minimum Baseline Temperature: 35% Relative Humidity: 25% Wind speed: 10% Fuel moisture: 15% **(VISION 2005 National Weather Service Strategic Plan for Weather, Water, and Climate Services 2000 - 2005 specifies a goal of 30% improvement by 2005, which is in addition to the improvements noted above)
Unit Administrator. The individual assigned administrative responsibilities for an established organizational unit, such as Forest Supervisor for the Forest Service, District Manager for the Bureau of Land Management, Agency Superintendent for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Park Superintendent for the National Park Service, and Refuge Manager (Project Leader) for Fish and Wildlife Service, Region Manager for State of Washington Department of Natural Resources, and District Forester for State of Oregon Department of Forestry. Wildfire: Any fire occurring on wildland that is not meeting management objectives and thus requires a suppression response.
Unit Administrator means the Department Chair or School Director in Colleges with Departments or Schools, the Xxxx in Colleges without Departments or Schools and the Xxxx of University Libraries for FTNTT Faculty members whose appointments are on the Kent Campus. For FTNTT Faculty members whose appointments are on the regional campuses. the “unit administrator” is the campus xxxx.