Unit Administrator definition
Examples of Unit Administrator in a sentence
The student is required to coordinate each semester for which he/she is applying for the waiver with his/her Unit Administrator for application under the OKARNG Regulation 621-202 or the OKAGN Regulation 621-202 requirements.
In general, this work may include service on committees, participation in College governance, participation in divisional and program duties and events, and/or other activities in accordance with this Article unless alternative arrangements have been made with the Unit Administrator.
By signature below, all signatories to this Agreement certify that the individuals (Agency Representative, Agency Administrator, Unit Administrator) listed in this document are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this Agreement.
By signature below, all signatories to this agreement certify that the individuals (Agency Representative, Agency Administrator, Unit Administrator) listed in this document are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this Agreement.
Members may receive release time to administer alternate assessment tests if there is an identified need as determined by Unit Administrator.