Voluntary reporter means any registered or reporting entity, other than a mandatory reporter, that voluntarily elects to comply with the reporting requirements in OAR 409-025-0100 to 409-025-0170.
Voluntary reporter means a Person who elects to become a Voluntary Reporter in accordance with Section 11 of these Rules.
Voluntary reporter means a payer or third-party administrator that does not meet the requirements to be considered a Mandatory Reporter and elects to submit cost growth target data on a voluntary basis.
More Definitions of Voluntary reporter
Voluntary reporter means a Person who elects to become a Voluntary Reporter in accordance with section X of these Rules.
Voluntary reporter means any registered or reporting entity, other than a
Voluntary reporter means a payer or third-party administrator that does not meet the
Voluntary reporter means an organization who has signed a Voluntary Reporter Agreement for the purpose of reporting quantities Supplied of one or more Automotive Materials on behalf of an obligated Member as per Schedule B to this Agreement.
Voluntary reporter means a Person who elects to d evelop, implement and operate waste diversion programs.
Voluntary reporter means a Person who elects to d evelop, implement and operate wastediversion programs. 1 . I ntroductionThese Rules do not revoke or amend any previously approved Rules for stewards with Respect to Payment ofFees respecting Municipal Hazardous or Special Materials (MHSM) during the period they were effective. Thef ollowing Rules relate to the Municipal Hazardous or Special Waste (MHSW) Program, and become e ffectiveJ anuary 1, 2017. The definitions of capitalized words used a s ection X of these Rules are defined above.Voluntary Reporter in a ccordance with
Voluntary reporter means a payer or third-party administrator that does not meet the requirements to be considered a Mandatory Rreporter and elects to submit cost growth target data on a voluntary basis. Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 442.386