Qualifying wages means wages, as defined in section 3121(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, without regard to any wage limitations, adjusted as follows:
Eligible Earnings means the Grantee's base salary (prior to any deferrals under a cash or deferred compensation plan sponsored by the Corporation or an Affiliate) paid during the Plan Year. From time to time the Plan Administrator may, in its sole discretion, establish rules for determining the amounts of Eligible Earnings for employees who become Grantees other than on the first day of a Plan Year as well as any reduction of Eligible Earnings as a result of paid leave of absences.
Taxable Wage Base means, with respect to any Plan Year, the contribution and benefit base under Section 230 of the Social Security Act at the beginning of such Plan Year.
Applicable Wages means the basic straight time wages for all hours worked, including:
Includible Compensation means an Employee’s actual wages in box 1 of Form W-2 for a year for services to the Employer, but subject to a maximum of $245,000 (or such higher maximum as may apply under section 401(a)(17) of the Code) and increased (up to the dollar maximum) by any compensation reduction election under section 125, 132(f), 401(k), 403(b), or 457(b) of the Code (including any Elective Deferral under the Plan). Beginning in 2009 and thereafter, such term also includes any “differential pay” that may be received from the Employer while performing qualified military service under section 414(u) of the Code. The amount of Includible Compensation is determined without regard to any community property laws.
Elective Deferrals mean Compensation and Elective Deferrals for: . [Note: The Employer must complete the blank line with the applicable time period for computing the Basic Match, such as "each payroll period," "each calendar month," "each Plan Year quarter" or "the Plan Year."]
Employee Contributions are contributions made by a Participant on an after-tax basis, whether voluntary or mandatory, and designated, at the time of contribution, as an employee (or nondeductible) contribution. Elective deferrals and deferral contributions are not employee contributions. Participant nondeductible contributions, made pursuant to Section 4.01 of the Plan, are employee contributions.
Annual Earnings means your gross annual income from your Employer, not including shift differential, in effect just prior to the date of loss. It includes your total income before taxes. It is prior to any deductions made for pre-tax contributions to a qualified deferred compensation plan, Section 125 plan or flexible spending account. It does not include income received from commissions, bonuses, overtime pay or any other extra compensation or income received from sources other than your Employer.
Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act means the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act, 2017;
Elective Deferral means the portion of Compensation which is deferred by a Participant under Section 4.1.
Employee Contribution means any contribution made to the Plan by or on behalf of a Participant that is included in the Participant's gross income in the year in which made and that is maintained under a separate account to which earnings and losses are allocated.
Deferral Contributions are Salary Reduction Contributions and Cash or Deferred Contributions the Employer contributes to the Trust on behalf of an Eligible Employee, irrespective of whether, in the case of Cash or Deferred Contributions, the contribution is at the election of the Employee. For Salary Reduction Contributions, the terms "deferral contributions" and "elective deferrals" have the same meaning.
Pre-Tax Earnings means the Corporation's earnings before income taxes as reported in the Company's Consolidated Income Statement for each fiscal year of the Performance Period, excluding any non-cash charge incurred in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) for any restricted stock or restricted stock unit awards granted during the Performance Period and all options, restricted stock and other equity compensation granted to Directors during the Performance Period.
415 Compensation means:
Excess Elective Deferrals means the amount of Elective Deferrals (as defined below) for a calendar year that the Participant designates to the Plan pursuant to the following procedure. The Participant’s designation: shall be submitted to the Administrator in writing no later than March 1; shall specify the Participant’s Excess Elective Deferrals for the preceding calendar year; and shall be accompanied by the Participant’s written statement that if the Excess Elective Deferrals is not distributed, it will, when added to amounts deferred under other plans or arrangements described in Section 401(k), 408(k) or 403(b) of the Code, exceed the limit imposed on the Participant by Section 402(g) of the Code for the year in which the deferral occurred. Excess Elective Deferrals shall mean those Elective Deferrals that are includible in a Participant's gross income under Section 402(g) of the Code to the extent such Participant's Elective Deferrals for a taxable year exceed the dollar limitation under such Code section.
Unemployment compensation means cash benefits (including depend- ents’ allowances) payable to individ- uals with respect to their unemploy- ment, and includes regular, additional, emergency, and extended compensa- tion.(2) Regular compensation means unem- ployment compensation payable to an individual under any State law, but not including additional compensation or extended compensation.(3) Additional compensation means un- employment compensation totally fi- nanced by a State and payable under a State law by reason of conditions of high unemployment or by reason of other special factors.(4) Emergency compensation means supplementary unemployment com- pensation payable under a temporary Federal law after exhaustion of regular and extended compensation.(5) Extended compensation means un- employment compensation payable to an individual for weeks of unemploy- ment in an extended benefit period, under those provisions of a State law which satisfy the requirements of the Federal-State Extended Unemploy- ment Compensation Act of 1970, as amended, 26 U.S.C. 3304 note, and part 615 of this chapter, with respect to the payment of extended compensation.
Wages is defined as the amount of money the employee would have otherwise received over a period of absence, excluding overtime.
Employee Taxes means all taxes, assessments, charges and other amounts whatsoever payable in respect of, and measured by the wages of, the Vendor’s employees (or subcontractors), as required by the Federal Social Security Act and all amendments thereto and/or any other applicable federal, state or local law.
Annual income means all amounts, monetary or not, which:
Qualified wages ’ means wages you paid during the one-year period beginning with the date the ex-offender begins working for you. Only wages that are subject to unemployment tax under IRC Section 3306 qualify. This includes amounts in excess of the maximum taxable wage. Wages paid during any period for which you received federally funded payments for on-the-job training for the ex-offender do not qualify.
U.S. Source Withholdable Payment means any payment of interest (including any original issue discount), dividends, rents, salaries, wages, premiums, annuities, compensations, remunerations, emoluments, and other fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains, profits, and income, if such payment is from sources within the United States. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a U.S. Source Withholdable Payment does not include any payment that is not treated as a withholdable payment in relevant U.S. Treasury Regulations.
Annual Compensation means the wages paid to the member during covered employment within the meaning of Section 3401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, but determined without regard to any rules that limit the remuneration included in wages based upon the nature or location of employment or services performed during the plan year plus amounts excluded under Section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code and less reimbursements or other expense allowances, cash, or noncash fringe benefits or both, deferred compensation, and welfare benefits. Annual compensation for determining benefits during any determination period may not exceed the maximum compensation allowed as adjusted for cost of living in accordance with §5-10D-7 of this code and Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Total wages , in relation to any year, means the total of the ordinary and additional wages in that year received by an employee;
basic wage means all remuneration or earnings paid by an employer to a worker for services rendered on normal working days and hours but does not include cost-of-living allowances, profit sharing payments, premium payments, 13th month pay or other monetary benefits which are not considered as part of or integrated into the regular salary of the workers on the date the Act became effective."
Nonhighly Compensated Employee means an Employee who is not a Highly Compensated Employee.
Compensation Year means a period of 12 months expiring 31 March in any year;