Web Support definition
Examples of Web Support in a sentence
You must include a valid Type 1 (individual) NPI on the application for access to NovoLogix.Information about NovoLogixFor more information about the NovoLogix web tool, look under the Training Resources heading on these webpages:• Blue Cross Medical-Benefit Drugs• BCN Medical-Benefit DrugsIf you need help with the NovoLogix tool, contact the Web Support Help Desk at 1-877-258-3932.
Support Hours Business Days, 7:00 am–7:00 pm Local Office Time Business Days, 7:00 am–7:00 pm Local Office Time 24 hours / day, 7 days / week Email/web support ticket response time Based on Issue Severity Based on Issue Severity Based on Issue Severity, with priority handling within Issue Severity Level As indicated, email and web support ticket response times shall be based on Issue Severity Level, as defined in the Email and Web Support Ticket Response Times table below.
The Web Support Portal provides Customer with access to support history, and the ability to submit a notification through the Web.
Autodesk’s Web Support related communications will generally be posted to the Autodesk Subscription Center and Your User will be notified of the posting of the information by email.
AIP can reach out to RMA Web Support team – 816-926-7301 for any queries on CSR.
The Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited, Securities Agent Web Support HotlinePhone: 0120 (652) 031 (Toll Free, only in Japan)(9:00 to 21:00) Institutional investors may exercise their voting rights using the Voting Rights Electronic Exercise Platform for institutional investors operated by ICJ, Inc.Reference Documents for the General Meeting of Shareholders Appropriation of SurplusProposal No. 1: The Company regards the distribution of profit to shareholders as the important issue.
The Contractor must provide Canada with technical Web Support services through a website that must include, as a minimum, frequently asked questions and on-line software diagnostic routines, support tools, and services.
Web Support will be provided to You via Your Users during the Available Support Hours set forth in the table in Subsection C, below, except that Web Support may be temporarily unavailable during scheduled system maintenance.
Web Support: ActivIDURL: https://support.actividentity.comDescription: Submit Cases and view/update existing Cases onlineRegistration: If you do not have an account with the ActivID Support Center, then one will be created for you the first time you email support@actividentity.com.Note: It is strongly recommended that any email or Web-initiated technical support requests for Urgent problems be followed up with a phone call to ensure the shortest possible response time.
Support Cases must be reported to Agilos via their login to Agilos Web Support application.