WGE Act definition
Examples of WGE Act in a sentence
Compliance with the WGE Act does not relieve the Provider of its responsibility to comply with its other obligations under this Agreement.
If the Provider becomes non-compliant with the WGE Act during the Agreement Term, the Provider must notify the Relationship Manager.
Without limiting clause 75.1, the Provider must comply with its obligations, if any, under the WGE Act.
Clauses 75.4(a) to (d) apply only to the extent that the Provider is a ‘relevant employer’ for the purposes of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Cth) (the WGE Act).
If the Supplier becomes non-compliant with the WGE Act during the course of the contract, the Supplier must notify the Customer’s Contact Officer.
Your organisation is covered by the WGE Act if it is a ‘relevant employer’, defined as being a non-public sector employer (including higher education institutions, trade unions and not-for-profit organisations) of 100 or more employees in Australia.
Compliance with the WGE Act does not relieve the Supplier from its responsibilities to comply with its obligations under the Contract.Is your organisation 50% or more Indigenous owned?Yes, see below.
Have you provided a letter of compliance with this Response?YesNo, I will provide a current letter of compliance prior to contractNOTE: Where the Supplier is a relevant employer, the Supplier must provide evidence that it complies with its obligations under the WGE Act before commencement of any Contract and annually thereafter for the duration of the Contract.
Compliance with the WGE Act does not relieve the Commissioned Organisation from its responsibilities to comply with its other obligations under the Project Agreement.
If the Commissioned Organisation becomes non-compliant with the WGE Act during the term of the Project Agreement, the Commissioned Organisation must notify ACIAR.