Wind Power Project definition

Wind Power Project means the wind power project that uses wind energy for conversion into electricity through wind turbine generator.
Wind Power Project means the project that uses wind for conversion into electricity and that is being set up by the HPD to provide Wind Power to Buyer as per the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
Wind Power Project means the wind power project that uses wind energy for conversion into electricity through wind turbine generator;

Examples of Wind Power Project in a sentence

  • Wind Power Project was declared under commercial operation on 30th September, 2016.Accordingly, your Company had achieved target for “Very Good” rating as per the MOU signed with Ministry of Power, Govt.

  • In addition to above, NHPC is also in the process of establishing Solar and Wind Power Project in the State of Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh respectively.

  • During the Financial Year 2016-17, your Company had generated 23,275 MUs of electricity (including 18.2 MUs generation from Wind Power Project, Jaisalmer and deemed generation of 326.8 MUs from Chutak & Nimmo Bazgo Power Stations).

  • During the Financial Year 2016-17, the standalone installed capacity of your Company had increased to 5,171 MW with the commissioning of remaining two units of 40 MW each of TLDP-IV HE Project (4X40 MW) (under commercial operation w.e.f. 19th August, 2016) and 50 MW Wind Power Project, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan (under commercial operation w.e.f. 30th September, 2016).

  • The Company has two non-conventional power plant, one is 2.025 MW capacity Wind Power Project and the other unit is a 3.75 MW Mini Hydel Project.

More Definitions of Wind Power Project

Wind Power Project means the wind power project that uses wind
Wind Power Project means a Wind Turbine or Wind Farm and associated property, substations and other utility systems;
Wind Power Project or “Power Project” or “Project” shall mean the Wind Power generation facility of Contracted Capacity of ………..[Insert capacity] MW, located at ……………. [Insert name of the place] in …. [Insert name of the District and State] having a separate control system, metering and a single point of injection into the grid at Delivery/Interconnection/Metering point at ISTS substation or in case of sharing of transmission lines, by separate injection at pooling point. The project shall includes all units and auxiliaries such as water supply, treatment or storage facilities; bay/s for transmission system in the switchyard, transmission line up to the Delivery Point and all the other assets, buildings/structures, equipment, plant and machinery, facilities and related assets required for the efficient and economic operation of the power generation facility; whether completed or at any stage of development and construction or intended to be developed and constructed for the purpose of supply of power as per this Agreement;
Wind Power Project means the wind power project that uses wind energy for conversion into electricity through wind turbine generator.SECTION 7. SAMPLE FORMS & FORMATS FOR BIDSUBMISSIONThe following formats are required to be submitted as part of the RfS. These formats are designed to demonstrate the Bidder’s compliance with the Qualification Requirements set forth in Section 4 and other submission requirements specified in the RfS.Format 7.1COVERING LETTER (The Covering Letter should be submitted on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium)Ref. No. Date: From: (Insert name and address of Bidding Company/ Lead Member of Consortium)Tel.#: Fax#:E-mail address#ToSolar Energy Corporation of India Limited6th Floor, Plate-B, NBCC Office Block Tower-2, East Kidwai Nagar, New Delhi - 110 023 Sub: Response to RfS No. ……….. dated ………….. for (Insert title ofthe RfS) Dear Sir/ Madam,We, the undersigned [insert name of the ‘Bidder’] having read, examined and understoodin detail the RfS including Qualification Requirements in particular, terms and conditions of the standard PPA for supply of power for the Term of the PPA to SECI, hereby submit our response to RfS. We confirm that in response to the aforesaid RfS, neither we nor any of our Ultimate Parent Company/ Parent Company/ Affiliate/ Group Company has submitted response to RfS other than this response to RfS, directly or indirectly, in response to the aforesaid RfS (as mentioned in Format 7.8 under Disclosure) OR We confirm that in the response to the aforesaid RfS, we have a Group Company who owns more than 10% but less than 26% in the bidding company as well as other companies who may participate in this RfS, and accordingly, we have submitted requisite undertaking as per Format 7.8A in this regard (strike out whichever is not applicable). We also confirm that we including our Ultimate Parent Company/ Parent Company/ Affiliate/ Group Companies directly or indirectly have not submitted response to RfS for more than cumulative capacity of 1000 MW, including this response to RfS.We are submitting application for the development of following Project(s) Project No.*The preferences of the Projects shall be considered only for the last successful bidder whose total quoted capacity is more than the balance capacity. In this case, allocation will be done as described in Clause 40.2 of the RfS.
Wind Power Project means a W ind Farm or W ind Turbine and associated property, substations and other utility systems;
Wind Power Project has the meaning set forth on Schedule 4.
Wind Power Project the construction and development of (i) a 15 MW decentralised wind farm in Liangji Town in Jiangsu Province, the PRC; (ii) a 35MW wind farm in Liangji Town in Jiangsu Province, the PRC; and (iii) a 95MW wind farm in Weiji Town in Jiangsu Province, the PRC