Working farm definition

Working farm means an interest in a closely held business that operates as an active trade or
Working farm. The flower patch/sunflower field, produce fields, and surrounding property is a working farm. There may be times when staff and equipment are working in the field while photographers are on site. Please be courteous to all staff on site and be mindful of the work they are doing. This is our busy season and we have short timeframes that we need to get our fieldwork completed. Flowers: If photographers and/or clients would like to pick flowers, vases may be purchased and must be communicated to The Ohio Flower Girls at least 48 hours prior to arrival. All cut or damaged flowers must be paid for. U-pick Events: The u-pick flower patch will be closed during the The Ohio Flower Girls u-pick events. Should a photographer come during a u-pick event, they will be asked to utilize part of the field that is not being used by the event. Once the event is completed, the u-pick patch will re-open. On Site Props: If photographers utilize props that are on site, please put them back where found at the end of the session. Please also pick up and properly dispose of any trash. If not, an additional convenience fee may be charged. Photographers may bring their own props.

Examples of Working farm in a sentence

  • Working farm, forest and horticultural lands by state statute are afforded a property tax assessment based on their agricultural working value, as opposed to the value of their land for industrial or residential development.

  • Working farm lands are a large contributor to the Dane County economy and preservation is key to maintaining a rural landscape character adjacent to the park.

  • Working farm and forest lands sustained generations of Waterbury residents and remain an essential component of our landscape.The Winooski River and Waterbury Reservoir are also significant natural resources that have shaped this community.

  • ELIGIBLE PROPERTY TYPES• 1 to 4-unit properties• Condominiums (refer to Chapter 16 of VA Pamphlet 26-7)• PUDs INELIGIBLE PROPERTY TYPES• Manufactured home• Cooperative• Working farm, ranch or orchardLOAN AMOUNTS‌ Property TypeMaximum Loan AmountAll$4,000,000 BORROWERS WITH FULL ENTITLEMENTRefer to VA Circular 26-19-23 and Circular 26-19-30 for specific requirements.

More Definitions of Working farm

Working farm means the portion of a property that is subject to the Farm Property Class Tax Rate, as assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
Working farm means any parcel of five acres or more which is actively devoted to agricultural use and which supports an owner, manager, or operator who is engaged in the growing, raising and producing of farm products as a primary occupation.

Related to Working farm

  • Development Area means that area to which a development plan is applicable.

  • Working Timetable has the meaning ascribed to it in Part A of the Network Code.

  • Projects means the projects identified in Exhibit A to the Agreement and all other projects, any costs of which are included in a Transitional Capital Plan pursuant to the Act or are Recovery Costs, and financed, by payment or reimbursement, with the proceeds of Bonds or Notes.

  • Normal Working Hours means between the hours of 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, inclusive. Saturdays, Sundays, and County holidays are excluded.

  • Working Hours means 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the relevant location on a Business Day.

  • Project means the goods or Services described in the Signature Document or a Work Order of this Contract.

  • Commissioning means the process for determining the need for and for obtaining the supply of healthcare and related services by the Trust within available resources.

  • Project Work means the work required to complete the Project.

  • Mixed use development means a building, combination of buildings, or building complex, designed to functionally and physically integrate non-residential uses such as retail, commercial, institutional, recreational, or community uses with residential uses, in a complementary manner.