CANCELLATION Cláusulas de Ejemplo

CANCELLATION. If the space is cancelled 60 days prior to the congress, a 10% rental fee will be charged due to administrative expenses. If the space is cancelled between 30 and 59 days before the event, a 20% rental fee will be charged. If the space is cancelled after this date, the total rental fee will be charged without any refund Sólo tendrán acceso al área de exposición, las personas previamente registradas y que cuenten con el gafete correspondiente, para lo cual el expositor deberá entregar 15 días antes del evento el listado de personas que atenderán su stand, de acuerdo con el número de gafetes que le correspondan. En caso de que durante el evento el expositor solicite más gafetes, éstos le serán cobrados de acuerdo con la cuota que determine el Comité Organizador para cada caso. Sólo se expedirán gafetes a personas que acrediten, mediante credencial vigente, su relación laboral con la empresa expositora, o mediante carta solicitud firmada por el representante de la empresa. El gafete es personal e intransferible. El mal uso de él o el préstamo a personas no autorizadas ocasionará la cancelación del mismo. El expositor se abstendrá de solicitar gafetes para sus clientes que no estén inscritos en el Congreso, quienes para tener acceso a la exposición deberán adquirir el “Pase por un día” a la exhibición comercial. Se otorgará 1 gafete por cada 3m2 contratados.
CANCELLATION. Buyer may cancel this Order or any term or condition hereunder in the event of any breach by the Seller. In parte del Vendedor. En caso de cancelación, el Comprador no será responsable frente al Vendedor por cantidad alguna y el Vendedor será responsable frente al Comprador por los daños, directos o indirectos, consecuenciales e incidentales, incluyendo honorarios de abogados, derivados del incumplimiento que haya dado lugar a la cancelación, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, cualquier costo incurrido por el Comprador como resultado de la obtención de bienes o servicios de otro proveedor. El Vendedor no podrá cancelar ninguna parte de una Orden de Compra aceptada, sin la aprobación previa y por escrito del Comprador.
CANCELLATION. 8.1 The request shall be considered as automatically cancelled, regardless of any court or out-of-court notifications and, any further formalities of the reimbursement/ refund of the vehicle. The Customer is not entitled to any seizure or compensation in the cases stated below:
CANCELLATION. This policy may be canceled by the named insured by surrender thereof to the company or any of its authorized agents or by mailing to the company written notice stating when thereafter the cancellation shall be effective. This policy may be cancelled by the company by mailing to the named insured at the address shown in this policy written, notice stating when not less than ten days thereafter such cancellation shall be effective. The mailing of notice as aforesaid shall be sufficient proof of notice. The time of the surrender or the effective date of cancellation stated in the notice shall become the end of the policy period. Delivery of such written notice either by the named insured or by the company shall be equivalent to mailing. If the name insured cancels, earned premium shall be computed in accordance with the Company’s customary short rate table and procedure. If the company cancels, earned premium shall be computed pro rata. Premium adjustment may be made either at the time cancellation is effected or as soon as practicable after cancellation becomes effective, but payment or tender of unearned premium is not a condition of cancellation.
CANCELLATION. The Buyer may cancel or terminate any Order by written notice. In the event of cancellation, the Buyer will pay for all the delivered or complete rendered Products as of the date of the cancellation notice and shall agree jointly in good faith with the Supplier to appropriately divide the expenses incurred by the Supplier regarding the Products in process, which may not exceed the total amount already agreed and/or the advance payments already made and/or the prices as specified in this Purchase Order. Upon reception of any cancellation notice under this Purchase Order, the Supplier shall, unless otherwise indicated, immediately discontinue any work in progress and immediately cancel all the orders. The exercise of cancellation right in favor of the Buyer will not create any responsibility for the Buyer, except as specified in this paragraph. The Buyer can cancel this Purchase Order immediately upon giving written notification to the Supplier, without any further responsibility or obligation if the Supplier does not comply with the terms and
CANCELLATION. This reinsurance agreement can only be cancelled following cancellation of the underlying Original Policy. Otherwise neither “Reinsurer” nor The “Company” will have right to terminate this agreement. Both the “Reinsurer” and the “Company” (on behalf of themselves and their respective employees) agree that they will not at any time disclose, give, or transmit in any manner or form, for any purpose, any information received from the other party to any person, party, firm, newspaper or media or other such entity whether public or private, or use Confidential Information for their own benefit or the benefit of anyone else, or for any purpose other than to engage in discussion regarding the business relationship involving “Reinsurer” and the “Company”. Without limitation of the generality of the foregoing, neither party may use, refer to or otherwise benefit from the Confidential Information of the other party. Both the “Reinsurer” and the “Company” shall take all reasonable measures to preserve the confidentiality, and avoid the disclosure, of the other party’s Confidential Information, including but not limited to those steps taken with respect to the party’s own confidential information of like importance. Neither party shall disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse-engineer any software product of the other party; to the extent that any such activity may be permitted, the results thereof shall be deemed Confidential Information subject to the requirements of this Agreement.
CANCELLATION. To the extent permitted by law, Commerce may cancel your Card, refuse to allow further transactions against your Card or revoke your Card(s) at any time (whether or not you are in default of any part of this Agreement) including, without limitation, when any affiliation you may have with a Payer ceases or when any agreement we may have with the Payer is terminated. We may cancel your Card without notice or liability. The Card is and shall remain the property of Commerce and you agree upon demand to return your Card to us. You must surrender the Card(s), either upon a direct request by us, or any other bank or merchant who is acting upon our instructions. You may terminate this Agreement at any time by returning your Card to us. Termination, whether by you or by us, shall not affect prior transactions or obligations relating to your Card existing at the time of termination. Upon termination, we will arrange to transfer any remaining funds stored on the Card to you. We may change the terms of this Agreement at any time without notice to you unless required by law. To the extent allowed by law, the new terms will affect all balances on your Card.
CANCELLATION. As a partial departure from articles 1-4 and 23 of the terms and conditions of the contract The Insured is covered by the guarantee for the reasons and circumstances listed hereafter, to the exclusion of all others, within the limit indicated in the Table of Benefits: • Death of the Insured following infection with Covid-19 and before the stay • Serious illness or illness of the Insured following infection with Covid-19 before the stay and making it impossible to be present at the place of stay. • Insured Positive for Covid-19 before the stay and making it impossible to be present at the place of stay. • Insured who has been refused boarding on the reserved means of transport following a positive temperature test, provided that the Insured has had a test within 48h of the refusal of boarding and that: o Either this test attests that the Insured is positive for Covid-19, making it impossible for the Insured to be present at the place of stay more than 60% of the expected duration. o Or this test attests that the insured is negative for Covid-19 but that the delay caused by a delayed departure makes his presence at the place of stay less than 60% of the expected duration. • Insured who is a contact case, provided that the insured has had a test performed within 48h of his notification of contact case and that: o Either this test attests that the Insured is positive for Covid-19, making it impossible for the Insured to be present at the place of stay more than 60% of the expected duration. o Or this test attests that the insured is negative for Covid-19 but that the delay caused by a delayed departure makes his presence at the place of stay less than 60% of the expected duration. The Insured is covered by the guarantee if the reasons or circumstances listed relate to: • o Any person usually living in the insured’s home, o A person expected to accompany the Insured during his stay and insured under the contract. o A member of the insured’s family who does not usually live in the insured’s home (ascendant or descendent), and who is hospitalized or deceased. It is up to you to establish the reality of the situation that entitles you to our benefits. As such, we reserve the right to refuse your request, on the advice of our doctors, if the information provided does not prove the materiality of the facts.
CANCELLATION. 2.1 The First Named Insured may cancel this Policy by sending a written request or by returning this Policy to the Underwriter, including in such request or return, the date cancellation is effective. If no such date is given, the Policy will be cancelled upon receipt of the request or Policy. 2.2 The Underwriter may cancel this Policy by sending to the First Named Insured at its last known address, a notice of cancellation stating the effective date of cancellation. Such notice shall be sent no later than 30 days in advance of the cancellation date. The Policy Period shall end on the cancellation effective date. The Underwriter may only cancel the Policy for the following reasons: (a) fraud committed by the Insured; or (b) the Insured’s failure to comply with the material terms, conditions or contractual obligations under this Policy, including failure to pay any premium or deductible when due. 2.3 In the event of cancellation, the premium percentage specified in Item 11 of the Schedule to this Policy shall be the minimum percentage of the premium that the Underwriter earns on the inception of this Policy. Thereafter, the remaining unearned premium, if any, shall be deemed earned by the Underwriter on a pro-rata basis over the remainder of the Policy Period. Any unearned premium due to the First Named Insured on cancellation of this Policy shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis and refunded within 30 days of the effective date of cancellation. 3. Care and Compliance The Insured shall at its own expense take all reasonable care and precautions (including maintaining plant and equipment used for Insured Work in good repair, and complying with all statutory obligations and regulations) to prevent circumstances that may give rise to a Claim, Loss, Defence Costs, Emergency Costs or Additional Expenses under this Policy. 4. Consent and Approval Wherever the Underwriter’s or the Insured’s consent or approval is required in connection with this Policy, such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed, denied or conditioned. It is further agreed that this Policy imposes an obligation on each party to act reasonably and in good faith. 5. Enforceability If any part of this Policy is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other part of this Policy, which shall be enforced to the full extent permitted by law. 6.
CANCELLATION. Buyer may cancel this Order or any term or condition hereunder in the event of any breach by the Seller. In the event of cancellation, Buyer shall not be liable to Seller for any amount, and Seller shall be liable to Buyer for all damages, direct or indirect, consequential and incidental, including attorney’s fees, sustained by reason of the default which gave rise to the cancellation, including, but not limited to, any costs incurred by incumplimiento que haya dado lugar a la cancelación, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, cualquier costo incurrido por el Comprador como resultado de la obtención de bienes o servicios de otro proveedor. El Vendedor no podrá cancelar ninguna parte de una Orden de Compra aceptada, sin la aprobación previa y por escrito del Comprador.