Introduction. This part of the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities con- tains mandatory provisions to which refer- ence is made in chapter XI-2 of the Interna- tional Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 as amended.
Introduction. In order to fulfil the requirements of relevant parts of this Convention the following procedure shall be used by the Contracting Parties in identifying and evaluating harmful substances, as defined in Article 2, paragraph 7.
1.1. Criteria on the allocation of substances
Introduction. In accordance with regulation B-2 of the Annex to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, a record is to be kept of each Ballast Water operation. This includes discharges at sea and to reception facilities.
Introduction. These Terms of Service (TOS) govern your use of the platform and all Services available through The Services are operated by Visma Software International AS, and provided to you by a distributor of (see Chapter 13); you purchase access to through such distributor, which in the following is referred to as “Visma”. The TOS apply between Visma and yourself, and detail Visma’s obligations towards you as a customer, and your obligations as a customer and end user of The TOS use a number of capitalised terms, which are described in chapter 14 or in the text. The TOS apply for all access to the Services, regardless of interface or integration used, including individual Services integrated with other software products from Visma, such as Visma Business or Mamut One. Certain parts of this TOS which specifically relate to interface or integration may not apply, depending on the interface or integration of the integrated Service. If you do not agree with the TOS or do not have the necessary authority from your company to order and/or use, do not use, submit an order form or accept the TOS when presented. Accepted TOS constitute a binding agreement between your company and Visma, and is effective from the date TOS are accepted (see 2.4) by your company’s Primary Contact (see 3.6). The TOS and any additional terms are available from and will always include the date they were last changed.
Introduction. 1. A definition of dioxins and furans (PCDD/ F) is provided in annex III to the present Pro- tocol.
2. Limit values are expressed as ng/m3 or mg/m3 under standard conditions (273.15 K, 101.3 kPa, and dry gas).
3. Limit values relate to the normal opera- ting situation, including start-up and shutdown procedures, unless specific limit values have been defined for those situations.
4. Sampling and analysis of all pollutants shall be carried out according to the standards laid down by the Comité européen de normalisati- on (CEN), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or the corresponding United States or Canadian reference methods. While awaiting the development of CEN or ISO standards, national standards shall apply.
5. For verification purposes, the interpretati- on of measurement results in relation to the limit value must also take into account the ina- ccuracy of the measurement method. A limit value is considered to be met if the result of the measurement, from which the inaccuracy of the measurement method is subtracted, does not exceed it.
6. Emissions of different congeners of PCDD/F are given in toxicity equivalents (TE) in comparison to 2,3,7,8-TCDD using the sys- tem proposed by the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (NATO-CCMS) in 1988.
Introduction. 1. The purpose of this annex is to provide the Parties to the Convention with guidance in identifying best available techniques to allow them to meet the obligations in article 3, paragraph 5, of the Protocol.
Introduction. 1.1 OCCAR is an international organisa- tion with full legal personality, as defined in Article 39 of the OCCAR Convention. The Convention entered into effect on 28 January 2001 following ratification by the four founding Member States.
1.2 The Convention sets out, inter alia, the legal personality of OCCAR, its organisation and administration, its relationship with Member States and its immunities and privi- leges.
Introduction. The purpose of this section is to bring to the attention of masters and others with re- sponsibilities for the loading and carriage of bulk cargoes, the risks associated with lique- faction and the precautions to minimize the risk. Such cargoes may appear to be in a rela- tively dry granular state when loaded, and yet may contain sufficient moisture to become fluid under the stimulus of compaction and the vibration which occurs during a voyage.
Introduction. This C-M, entitled Security Within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), establishes the basic principles and minimum standards of security to be applied by NATO Nations and NATO Civil and Military bodies in order to ensure a common degree of protection for classified infor- mation. NATO security procedures only op- erate to the best advantage when they are based upon and supported by a national se- curity system having the characteristics equivalent/conformant to those set out in this policy. In addition, this policy also ad- dresses the security roles, functions and re- sponsibilities within NATO.
Introduction. 1.1. This Enclosure sets out the policy and minimum standards for the protection of NATO classified information, and support- ing system services and resources1 in com- munication, information and other electronic systems storing, processing or transmitting NATO classified information.
1.2. This Enclosure supports the NATO In- formation Management Policy and comple- ments the Policy on Management of Non- Classified NATO Information which ad- dresses the basic principles and standards to be applied within NATO civil and military bodies and NATO member nations for the protection of non-classified NATO infor- mation.
1.3. Communication and Information Sys- tem Security (CIS Security) is one of the el- ements of Information Assurance (Figure 1) and is defined as the application of security measures for the protection of communica- tion, information and other electronic sys- tems2, and the information that is stored, processed or transmitted3 in these systems with respect to confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication and non-repudia- tion.
1 Tietoa tukevilla järjestelmäpalveluilla ja resursseilla tarkoitetaan niitä palveluja ja resursseja, jotka tarvitaan varmistamaan, että viestintä- ja tietojärjestelmien turvallisuustavoitteet saavutetaan; näitä palveluja ja resursseja ovat esimerkiksi salaustuotteet ja -menetelmät, COMSEC-aineisto, luettelopalvelut sekä käyttöympäristön jär- jestelyt ja valvonta.
1 Supporting System Services and Resources - those services and resources required to ensure that the security objectives of the CIS are achieved; to include, for example, cryptographic products and mechanisms, COMSEC materials, directory services, and environmental facilities and controls.
2 Jäljempänä tässä liitteessä "CIS".